Chapter 14

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You usually will go out and probably hang out with your friends, to embark on making memories with your friends, kind of. However, fate had different plans for you on this particular day.

One chilly autumn afternoon, as the leaves fell gently from the trees outside your window, you began to feel an unusual heaviness in your body. It started with a slight headache but soon escalated into a full-blown fever that left you shivering and dizzy. You knew you were in for a rough ride.

Despite the pounding in your head, the known three puppets around the neighbor, Poppy, Sally, and Julie, letting them know about your condition through the old phone which took you serval times before you could call them, the wires keep tangled around your fingers. The worry in your call was palpable, and it didn't take long for them to rush to your side.

In their haste to help, you had decided to give them your spare keys, trust enough for them to hold. "We don't want you to have to get up, even for a second," Sally had said, her concern evident in her voice. With your room door unlocked, they could come in and out as needed, ensuring your comfort without causing you any additional stress.

The trio arrived at your doorstep, their faces etched with worry. They let themselves in quietly, tiptoeing into your room to find you wrapped in a cocoon of blankets, your face flushed with fever. Poppy, immediately went to work.

She brought a damp washcloth and gently dabbed your forehead, whispering soothing words to reassure you. "It's going to be alright. We're here for you," she said, her voice as soft as a lullaby.

Julie came to your sides before leaning a bit to your face, feeling the heat on your skin. She gasped quietly "Oh no! You're boiling, neighbor!"

Sally gently held Julie's shoulder, slowly distancing from you to give some space "Julie, not too close, they need space" she sighed

Sally and Julie, equally concerned when you let out a harsh cough that burned your throat in a very unpleasant way, Poppy slowly touches your forehead, feeling her soft feathers tickling on your nose

"Oh dear, it looks like you had a very bad fever" Poppy murmured as she told Sally to soak the towel to decrease the hot temperature

started preparing a bowl of homemade soup in your kitchen. They knew it was your favorite comfort food, and they believed it would help speed up your recovery. The aroma of the simmering broth wafted into your room, providing a warm and comforting scent that made you feel a little better.

As the hours passed, the three girls took turns taking care of you. They monitored your temperature, ensured you stayed hydrated, and even read your stories to distract you from your discomfort.


You were lying on the bed, feeling sick and weak. The sound of the door opening caught your attention, and you could hear light footsteps approaching them. Assuming it was one of the girls, you paid it no mind. However, you were taken aback when you felt warm fingers gently brushing through your hair and a soft, caring voice spoke to me.

Startled, you quickly sat up, but the sudden movement only worsened your pounding headache, causing you to fall back down onto the soft pillows. As your vision cleared, you realized it was Wally who was beside your bed, concern etched on his face. Irritation mixed with my discomfort and you rudely tried to shove him away, hoping he would get the hint to leave.

"The hell you here man?" You pulled the blanket over your shoulder, preventing any coldness of the air from hitting your skin

"To visit you silly, what else did you expect?" He said with his usual smile

𝐄𝐧𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 | 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 [✔]Where stories live. Discover now