Chapter 2

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The darkness surrounded the living room with soft light coming through the side of the closing curtains that shut together rather securely, the atmosphere was warm and the only could hear around the house was your snore and the clock ticking up the wall. The whole room was a mess bunch of papers, pencils, and books scattered everywhere on the floor and table, some were unfinished clothes that were still covered with yarn, and the tapestry needle side of it seemed to be halfway.

However, the peace didn't last long when a soft knock came from the front door. It took you one minute to reply after the knock kept getting louder, you groan loudly peeking to the corner and sighing heavily

"I hear you, give me a second!" you exclaim, slowly bringing your lazy limbs to touch the floor along with your body, scooted away from the couch as you rolled towards the door before finally getting up.

Grabbing the doorknob and lazily swinging it open, your exhausted gaze looked up to who the person was "Y/n, you still sleep? It's afternoon already!" shouted Sally, her entire face was so brightly shining as you hissed with the sudden brightness contact

"Sally did you need anything?" your eyes half-lidded trying to keep awake. she smiled

"Yeah, Poppy invited us to her house to have some afternoon cake," she said. I hummed quietly "Awh, I don't think I could go tell her that I-" She didn't let you finish, pushed the door widely, and stepped inside

"Nope, you're not going to sleep for the rest of the day and especially absent Poppy's cake! how could you miss it? Now, ta-ta go change and I'll wait here"

She claps her hands together with a bright smile across her cheeks seemingly not letting you make any excuse. Your eyes narrow back at her and playfully roll your eyes softly

"Whatever, make yourself at home"You then walk away to get ready

Sally examined the dark sorrowful house as she let out a long whistle "Wow, I feel exactly at home but depressing one" she sarcastically said to herself you immediately peeked side of the door frame

"I heard that!" you huffed loudly

Not long after that, the two of you walk onto the yellow path heading to Poppy's house and you already could hear other neighbors' voices and laughter across the way, Sally skipped and jumped all the time as she playfully bumped her shoulder into yours

"The last one will be known as the loser" she winked before running towards the groups who were chatting random bunch of topics. you only shake a head with a smile before following from behind

you were greeted by Julie and Barnaby who were shoving those last pieces of their cake, licking it clean the plate surface till it nothing left. It looks like they had their strange usual challenge again but that doesn't bother anyone. A soft yet cold touch on your shoulder gives the sudden chills as another hand holding those strawberry cake flavors near to your face

"I save it just for you, neighbor" a soft low voice looming to your ear. Grabbing the plate gently and glancing at the puppet who already staring deep into your gaze yours

"Thanks, Wally you sure are my light savior" you joked which earned a chuckle

You sat on the small wooden chair next to Wally and dug the cake with that tiny spoon, quietly took a bite, and munched it.

Your eyes lit up with the flavor of the cake cream, fruits, and sugars in it, no wonder Sally didn't let you decline the invitation. Wally however always had the odd way to eat but everyone knows that already.

The moment was calm when all of a sudden Julie screeched loudly before jumping from her seat causing Eddie to flinch in surprise processing spilling the juice all over his partner, Frank. He didn't look so happy with it

"Everyone! Let's play Truth or Dare!" she claps her hand loudly. Howdy clears his throat

"You don't have to scream, Julie" He sweats a little with her sudden outburst of excitement

Everyone gathers around the table, except you and Wally of course who just sit aside from their game while watching them doing their activities. Wally hummed softly and looked at you before narrowing slightly

"Neighbor, we haven't been talking much for a few days I was wondering if you could join me gardening next week?" He smiled softly

Mouth filled with cake, you glance at him before shoving the last piece of the cake "Gardening you say?" You muffled

Wally somehow isn't so pleased with the way you speak while food is in the mouth but continues anyway "Yes, gardening. I've been thinking of planting more besides Home probably will look beautiful with flower around it"

You think hard like it was a life and death situation.

'Damn, I'm so lazy for that kind of stuff. But I can't just say no, that's rude'

Biting your lips, you give a long 'hmm' before sighing "Sure, just don't get mad if I randomly sleep in your garden"

Wally chuckles at your statement, waving his hand another "Oh, neighbor. I will never be mad at you"

Your lips curl into a small smile, feeling a little warm by his words. He indeed the most. Suddenly Julie exclaimed your name while pointing directly at you "Y/n, truth or dare?!"

your eyebrows furrow together "What- I didn't join the game-"

"Late pick and you'll have to kiss the ground!"

"Dare" you quickly replied, Wally chuckled softly. Julie put her fingers on the chin before snapping her fingers "Yell out the first word that comes to your mind!"


Everyone gasped, except Sally who burst out into laughter while banging her fist into the picnic table. Wally, on the other hand, keeps recalling the newfound word he just heard and he speaks out the word Poppy looks at him with wide eyes "Both of your languages!" everyone laughed after that.

although, Wally still stares at you the whole time.

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