Chapter 19

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A/n: This is a long Chapter.

As you walk down the hallway, the eerie feeling creeps up on you. Portraits of Wally line the walls, each one identical in posture and smile, yet their eyes seem to follow your every step. It's unsettling, to say the least, but you brush it off as a trick of the light.

You tread cautiously, the weight of each step feeling like a century passing by. Finally, you reach what appears to be the end of the corridor. Before you stand a door, but it's not made of wood or metal. It's a paper door, drawn meticulously on a piece of paper, with colorful crayon lines forming the intricate design.

"You seeing this?"

"Creak" (yes)

"Do you know what it is inside?"

"....Creak" (.... perhaps)

"What's that even mean? is there something inside?" You asked him, curious and wonder in your voice but this time Home didn't answer and the silence continued. The concern appears on your face, as you called Home serval times but your calls have never been answered.

Hesitation grips you as you contemplate the authenticity of the door. Is it a trap, or merely a figment of your imagination? You reach out tentatively, your fingers hovering over the paper surface. With a deep breath, you push against it, half-expecting it to crumble beneath your touch.

To your surprise, the door swings open, revealing darkness beyond. Shadows dance ominously, casting eerie shapes on the drawn walls. You step forward, feeling a mixture of curiosity and confusion. Nothing about this situation makes sense, and you can't help but wonder if you're losing your grip on reality.

As you venture further into the darkness, a faint light catches your eye. At first, you mistake it for a window, but as you draw closer, you realize it's something else entirely. The light forms the shape of eyes, peering out into the unknown.

'Oh fuck'

Your heart skips a beat as you recognize the figure standing behind the makeshift window. It's Wally, unmistakably so, with his trademark pompadour hair and yellow skin. But something is different about him, something that sends a shiver down your spine.

He looks at you with eyes that seem to hold secrets untold, and for a moment, you question everything you thought you knew. Is this Wally, or just another illusion in this surreal world you've stumbled into?

As you stand there, grappling with uncertainty, a voice echoes in the darkness. It is Wally but it's not Wally. Does that make any sense?

Your heart pounds in your chest as the figure approaches, wearing Wally's smile but exuding an aura of calm danger. His gaze pierces through you as if dissecting the very essence of your being.

Each step he takes sends a shiver down your spine, prompting you to instinctively retreat. But with every backward movement, he advances, closing the distance between you until there's nowhere left to escape.

The room falls into an oppressive silence, broken only by the sound of your ragged breaths. The figure stands before you, bathed in ethereal light, his features obscured yet somehow familiar, mirroring Wally's likeness.

"You take another step, I'll punch your gut...even if you don't have one" you warned. You frown rather quickly when the person chuckles in amusement.

Suddenly, he lunges forward, moving with a speed that catches you off guard. You attempt to flee, but his grip tightens around the back of your neck, forcing you down with a violent thud that rattles your senses.

Pain shoots through your body as the impact knocks the breath from your lungs. You gasp for air, your vision swimming as you struggle to comprehend the situation unfolding before you.

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