Chapter 3

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Just another day where you and the other neighbors hanging out on this beautiful warm sunny day except today was a bit different. Your original plan is that you'll sew the unfinished clothes you haven't continued for the past two weeks and then go to relax for the day. However, you have to switch when Julie pleads for you to join her tea party. Sitting edge of the table you and Wally have to play the role of the parents, Barnaby becomes a big brother and Julie becomes the sister.

"Why must I become the mother?" you groan loudly under your arm "Because you and Wally are a perfect match for the parenting role!" she gives a silly goofy smile before giggling when you make a face. Wally acknowledged the glare you sent to him

Roleplaying isn't your thing and it was hard not to get sleepy during the fun. crossing your arm into your chest you slowly started to drift into your dreamless nap

"Wake up, y/n! Raise and shine!" she exclaimed which you immediately woke back to reality "Huh-uh yeah?" confused and a bit annoyed by the fact you were about too comfortable a second ago

seeing the bewildered expression you express, Wally gives a soft laugh "Play your role, neighbor" he said placing the fake plastic cup on the wooden table. sighing as you grab the plastic fork and begin to play along

"Drink your water child so you stay hydrated every day" Lazily and bored tone with your hand swinging around the air "Be more energetic" Barnaby suddenly said making you stop and do whatever you're doing.

Biting your inside lips before fixing your lazy smile into a bright one which forced "Honey dear, please drink your tea so my little daughter stays hydrated!"

the group burst out into laughter, a loud one. Barnaby who wheezing and already clenching his stomach "You sound weird, I like that!" he laughs before hugging your shoulder

"I like to see that often, kid" he wipes the tiny tears that appear at the tip of his eyes. you only deadpan while pinching your nose bridge, Julie squeezed her cheeks then leaned a bit closer to the table "Aw ~ don't be sour here smile more!" she exclaimed

groaning loudly as you pushed the blue dog's arm away from you and then slowly left the table "See you around"

You wave rather lowly while Julie keeps shouting at you saying the game hasn't finished yet, but you ignore it instead.

walking down the yellow path, your eyes drift to the one massive tree beside the colorful flowers near the road. It was nice if you could lay at that spot and sleep for the rest of the day, you thought. Footsteps came closer from behind as you sighed in annoyance

"What now?" you muttered to yourself

"It's quite rude for you to just leave without saying goodbye, neighbor"

Wally's soft voice echoes from your long thought. glancing back at him and you clicked your tongue then shrug

"Sorry about that, I guess" you replied heading to the tree where your usual spot to take a nap every morning.

Is he still following you as if he has something to say "Why are you following me? Don't you have something good to do?"

his gaze didn't break from yours while his hand was on his back, still with the smile and composure

"Is it wrong for me to be with my favorite neighbor?"

his tone was shooting soft and low. Hid half-lidded eyes follow every move you make

"I'm your favorite? Since when?" you raised your eyebrow with surprise and confusion. You sit down on the tree and lean into it

"you're always my favorite, neighbor"

your lips turn into thin lines "Well, I guess I don't mind at all that" you finally said, giving a deep inhale as you looked up to the blue bright sky

Mind stares at the sky, blankly. Having no thoughts at the moment. It feels nice to have some peace in life where all your neighbors are so friendly and full of life...



I'm a puppet

Wait, I'm a puppet.


Something was wrong...


You snapped from your world, glancing beside your shoulder where he was staring at you "Uh yes, Wally?"

"You okay? You seem, stressed" he leaned a bit closer invading your personal space as his finger softly tucked your hair behind your ear, which completely caught you off guard.

You nervously laugh and shake your head "I'm fine, just thinking about stuff you flatly smile, the space makes your gut feel funny, not used by his touch since he wasn't a huge fan of holding someone, it was rare

"Hmm...alright then" he finally pulls away before giving some distance, you sigh in relief.

You stare at him nervously before glancing back at the sky

You need to...

Wake up

You frown slightly, your mind is echoed in your head making some nonsense whispers

"you do that face again, neighbor"

you flinched and quickly glanced at him who already stared deeply into your eyes, those black void eyes giving you sudden chills, and shifted slightly, trying to stay your composure "Do what?" I frown

he blinked "Like this" he tried to repeat the same expression you made earlier except it didn't look alike not even a little bit because he had no eyebrows to express it, it was goofy. His mouth twitched when he noticed how your lips holding back a laugh with an upside-down smile

"what's so funny, neighbor?"

you shake your head, gently pushing him a bit away from your face "It's nothing- um, like I mentioned earlier you don't need to worry, it's just my mood swing" you said, the stare didn't make you feel any better but rather uncomfortable

you're not sure if he doing it on purpose to make you creep out or simply just his thing to do, but it's sending you almost the edge by it

"Do you need me to pull your head off so the stuff you're thinking is gone?"

he saw the bewildered look on your face after he spoke and softly monotone laughed at you "Just fooling around with you"

rolling your eyes as you playfully and not so hard slap his hand "Haha, funny one Wally" you sarcastically remark before leaning again, relaxing your shoulder "I'm going to take a nap"

"You can lay on my lap if you want, that tree isn't that comfortable to lean to" his soft tone makes you peek to look at him

"I'm good, thanks" You shut your eyes and drift into sleep

A/N: Publishing three chapters at once because I have an exam next week

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