Chapter 18

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In the dimly lit living room, Wally sat in solitude, fixated on the screen playing a tape. His eyes, unblinking and possessive, were glued to the images of you, captured in a moment of laughter. Every subtle gesture you made seemed to captivate him, his lips twitching with a puppy-like eagerness at the sight of your joy. He was enamored by everything about you, addicted to your essence like a drug.

As Wally immersed himself in the recording, the quiet of the room was broken by the stealthy entrance of Sally and Julie, his fused neighbors. Their presence was laced with anxiety and fear, a stark contrast to Wally's tranquil demeanor. With a quiet intensity, Wally inquired if they had succeeded in capturing you, his voice carrying a hint of urgency masked by restraint.

"Have you got them?" He asked quietly, clicking the cup with his soft finger.

Their hesitant response hung heavy in the air, prompting Wally to sip his tea in silence before pressing the question again, this time with unwavering firmness.


Sally and Julie recoiled, their anxiety palpable as they struggled to meet Wally's gaze.

"We couldn't find them anyway..." They said as they could feel their palm begin to sweat in anxiety.

Upon learning of their failure to capture you, Wally's stillness became eerie, like a statue frozen in time. Then, with deliberate calmness, he rose from his seat and approached them, his eyes betraying a quiet intensity that sent shivers down their spines.

In a sudden eruption of dark fury, Wally hurled his teacup against the wall, shattering the fragile peace of the room. His voice, dripping with menace, sliced through the silence as he harshly seized their jaws, drawing them closer with a menacing grip.

"Then why are you here?" His words hung in the air, a chilling reminder of the consequences of their failure. In the dimness of the room, Wally's presence loomed large, a manifestation of obsession and possession, leaving Sally and Julie trembling in their wake.

"I told you to bring them to me no matter what the cost. Do you want me to choose the hard way?" He said harshly.

They gulped, trembling in fear as they quickly shook their head. Sally who's the one who spoke first "N-no! Not at all! We will bring them to you, Wally!" She said as she sucked her breath. Julie's eyes watered a little by Wally's threatening.  "It just...Home" she continues.

Wally narrows his eyes slightly "Ah...what did he do to ruin my plan?" His grip tightened as he spoke making them whine.

"H-home helped Y/n to escape and guided them towards the exit. Home manages to stop Frank and Eddie from getting them..." They explained, hoping him to give them some mercy, pleading.

Wally groans in annoyance as he shoves their face away rather harshly and kicks the couch made of soft fabric where he and Barnaby craft it together.

"That arrogant stubborn house! Home is always so hard to talk with!" He said in frustration and rage, he couldn't believe his own house had not followed his order and instead turned against him saying that his action was 'disgusting' and 'abnormal'. He is the one who controls here.

"Go and get them, this time do it right!" He yells at them as they quickly shake their head and crawl out of the dark dim room, wishing this nightmare to end.

⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ [ 𓁹𓁹 ]⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯

You find yourself still leaning against the hard door, the weight of exhaustion pressing down on you as you hastily wrap your wounds with shreds of your torn shirt. Each breath comes heavy, laden with the weight of recent revelations. Since regaining your memories, the puppet-like skin that once clothed you in this world has transformed into human flesh, a realization that dawned upon you after the unsettling incident with the mirror.

As you wipe the sweat from your forehead, a twinge of disappointment washes over you at the reminder of your newfound humanity. Yet, despite the discomfort and pain, you refuse to revert to the puppet-like existence you once endured.

'Who the fuck wants to be a puppet?'

With a determined resolve, you push yourself upright, your shoulder throbbing with each movement as you navigate the length of the ominous hallway. Escape is your only goal now, despite the uncertainty that lies beyond.

In a moment of desperation, you turn to "Home," seeking answers to the questions that weigh heavily upon your mind.

"Home I need an answer..." you breathe heavily glancing at the wall if Home could even eye contact with you "Why is Wally acting this way? What purpose does he have in bringing me to this world?"

Home didn't answer right away as the atmosphere was silent for a moment, the air of the dark hallway was heavy full of us unpleasant aura that you couldn't explain what and why. As Home begins to unravel the truth, Home begins to explain.

"The day he saw you is the day he went insane about you because you are the first viewer he managed to see for a very long time. He grew to like you at first, he couldn't stop watching you, he couldn't stop staring at you, and he couldn't stop loving you. And slowly he began to obsessed with you, Y/n. He even hurt his friends just to make you stay with him, forever. An obsession is where something will not leave your mind. And he won't." (A/n I was planning to write this with Morse code but it was too long so I just put it with words instead)

After listening to Home's words a wave of anxiety, disgust, and fear crashes over you, threatening to engulf your very being. The harsh reality of your circumstances threatens to shatter the fragile facade of normalcy you once clung to, leaving you to grapple with the chilling truth.

"For the whole time, he was watching me?" You whispered to yourself and stopped in the middle of the hallway in shock, unsure how to process the information you've got.

You grit your teeth as you clench your fist. You have dealt with someone's stalking and weird stuff before but this is another level of obsession.  This is Compulsion.

With a heavy heart, you continue to walk, determined to end this twisted horrifying world. "Home, lead the way"

𝐄𝐧𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 | 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 [✔]Where stories live. Discover now