Chapter 16

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Warning: slightly suggestive and blood

As you enter Wally's cozy little abode, carrying a cup of tea he had just prepared, you can't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. You've crafted a clever plan, disguised as a friendly visit with a fake apology, with the sole purpose of befriending Wally and ultimately finding the elusive exit from this world. The room is adorned with peculiar trinkets, but your focus is on Wally, who seems overjoyed by your presence, barely able to break his gaze away from you.

"I'm so glad that you finally came back to me, neighbor," he said, eyes all to your figure

You click your tongue and nod slowly, forcing a smile on your lips "I'm glad too! I mean, we're friends right?"

Your statement made his lips twitch a little but nodded away politely.

Suppressing any discomfort you feel in his unsettling presence, you take a hesitant sip of the tea and inquire about his day. Wally responds with his signature smile, themed in a way that sends shivers down your spine. It's difficult to shake off the feeling that something isn't quite right about him, but you remind yourself of the greater goal at hand – escaping this world.

"Neighbor, my apologies for being different to you for the past few weeks, I couldn't help myself" he murmured

Taking the sight of his gaze, you could tell whether he was staring you to your soul- or another thing you could say. Obsession. He swings his left leg to his right knee and out his elbow to the sofa, his smile widening.

"I had grown attached to you"

This makes your eyes widen a bit, you're not sure if he is talking about friendship or something else

"Oh really?" You smile nervously, avoid eye contact from him

"Yes, really" he purred, leaning close to you which you slowly backed away from the sudden closeness.

Just as Wally is about to say something, a knock interrupts the moment, causing him to sigh in annoyance. He stood from his seat and fixed his ribbon before glancing at you slightly "I'll be back" he simply said before walking towards the front door to greet the neighbors, Barnaby and Frank.

You stare at where he had left, seeing how distracted he was as you seize the opportunity, you quickly make your move towards the dimly lit hallway, aiming for the basement. You're already familiar with the layout of Wally's house, having planned this escape meticulously.

'No more children's horror shit'

Without looking back, you navigate your way stealthily down the stairs, the musty scent of the basement filling your nostrils. The dim lighting casts eerie shadows on the concrete walls, but you push past any unease, focusing on the escape route that lies ahead.

As you make your way through the basement, your heart races with anticipation, knowing that every step brings you closer to freedom. The sound of distant voices from above reminds you of Wally's encounter with the visitors at the door, Barnaby and Frank.

Using this temporary distraction to your advantage, you quicken your pace, determined to reach your goal. Every creaking floorboard and flickering lightbulb adds to the unnerving atmosphere, but you press on, undeterred.

Finally, you reach the basement's door, your hand trembling as you grasp the cold metal handle. Taking a deep breath, you swing the door open with your heart beating rapidly in your chest as you meet another dim room that is covered with eyes that look like it used with a crayon.

You make your way down below to the basement with an uneasy feeling, swallowing your saliva inside your throat as you step down to the basement cold floor, it's freezing.

There, you see an old television. When you approach it, they make a weird noise from the screen, a loud buzzing and screeching echoes across the dim room. You look around, making sure that short blue puppets aren't around as you put your hand slowly to the screen.

Suddenly it turned on, the screen switched to a more realistic one and much alive. You lean low, trying to figure out what was it since the screen looked almost broken.

It didn't take too long when you realized it was your living room. The sudden bad headache strikes at a bad time causing you to wince in pain, gripping your head in agony.

Then the door shut closed and the television shut down. Your eyes widen in surprise, just as you are about to turn around the entire room shakes as the cold wooden floor underneath your shoes sends you to stumble behind the wall harshly and suddenly the wallpaper warps you around like a present.

Your body drops into the ground with a loud thud, causing you to almost pass out, right there where you laid at. Then a familiar voice comes from the shadow that sounded rather unfriendly.

"What did I tell you about bursting into someone's boundaries, neighbor?"

Wally said darkly, taking a slow step as he approached your hopeless figure. He kneels to your level grips your chin rather harshly and tilts your head, forcing you to look at him.

"I already arrange your life in this world, I give you full freedom to make your own decisions, I give you friends and happiness to escape from the harsh reality that you don't deserve..."

His smile was no longer there but instead a frown.

"...And yet you still choose to leave?" Wally clicked his tongue and shook his head in disappointment "So ungrateful"

You glare at him with hate and anger as you move your head from his touch in displeasure "You fucking kidnapped me, you asshole!"

"Now you using those human disgusting words, how shameful"

"Stop guilt-tripping me and let me back to my home!" You yell at him which he truly unhappy with it

"Your home is here. Where you spend the rest of your life HERE."


"You always complain about how your life was so miserable or how you want to escape from reality, I fulfill your dream, and yet this is how you repay me?" He harshly spoke.

"I didn't ask anything from you!-"

Before your words could slip from your mouth, you feel his cold lips pressed against yours passionately. Your heart sinks in shock and disbelief, trying to push away with your knees. However, the attempt was useless as he deepened the kiss.

His soft hand caresses down to your collarbone and up to your cheeks before slowly sliding behind your neck, making sure to keep you in place.

The resistance only fulfilled his desire as he nibbled your lower lips, your fist around his blue jacket tightened slightly in disgust, your brain screaming to do something to get out of this situation.

'Wake up'

Wally parted his lips away from you, blood dripping down to his chin. His black eyes stare at you in surprise when he realizes you have just bit his lips. Licking his where-injured flesh, tasting the taste of iron.

"Does it hurt?" You snickered "I can rip them all if you want"

He didn't answer but instead glanced at your lips where his blood was on them, slowly bringing his thumbs and rubbing the blood across your soft lips making it like it was lipstick.

"You're intrigued me, neighbor" he whispered down to your ear, sending shivers down your spine.

"And I want more of it"

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