Chapter 9

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WARNING: blood puking and dizziness

As you made your way lazily to Sally's place, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness in the air. It was dinner night at her house, and all the neighbors were invited. Sally had her peculiar sense of humor, insisting that everyone wear fancy outfits for the occasion. Now, you must admit, you're not the biggest fashion aficionado. You usually just go with the flow and dress according to your mood. But tonight, you wanted to make an effort.

You decided to wear a woman's normal suit, embracing a touch of androgyny. Of course, you couldn't resist keeping your usual coat on - it provided a certain air of mystery, effortlessly hinting at the passionate and unrestrained person you are. As you walked, your mind replayed all the different ways you could dust off the remnants of a lazy day from your pants and make yourself look presentable.

Brushing away the thoughts of your disheveled appearance, you let your nature take over. And as you approached Sally's house, a subtle lazy smirk played on your lips, knowing that Sally going to say something with the outfit

Adjust your coat and properly fix your hair, you knock on the front door three times and it immediately swings open revealing Sally who looks fabulous in her fancy dress on

"Y/n! It's glad to see you on this wonderful night! Oh, you wear something different tonight instead of the same outfit you're wearing, you look stunning. You know, I expected you to come with those themes of yours" Sally said, hugging you from the sides

You chuckled "I'm just in the mood to follow your plans, tonight"

Sally smiles widely and opens the door wide to welcome you in "That's the spirit! Now, let's get in everyone is waiting for you"

As she opened the door to her house, the scent of anticipation and delectable food filled the air. The room was adorned with laughter and animated conversations. Julie comes towards you and immediately hugs you from behind before lifting you like a teddy bear, who knows she had that kind of strength when she's excited?

"Y/n! Y/n! It's good to see you! Oh my gosh, you look so beautiful!" She cheers, softly squeezes your cheeks together, and giggles happily

You chuckled at her cheerful energy, she never failed to make you smile "Thank you, Julie"

You were feeling a bit warm as Julie kept hugging you from time to time throughout the dinner party, Julie's graceful compliments did make you feel good about yourself

Just as you were starting to relax, the door burst open, revealing Barnaby and Wally who had just arrived. Everyone at the party greeted them with excitement. Wally made his way over to you, his smile growing wider by the second. It was hard not to notice how good he looked in his navy blue suit, he had always been the most stylish person in the room.

When Wally finally reached you, he greeted you with a warm smile. "Y/n, you look stunning tonight," he complimented. You couldn't help but feel a little warm inside and immediately felt grateful for the kind words. You weren't used to getting compliments that much.

As the night unfolded, you found yourself engaged in a delightful evening at Sally's house, surrounded by their warm and convivial neighbors. Laughter filled the air as stories were shared, and the aroma of delicious food wafted throughout the room.

Amid the mirthful atmosphere, a sudden mishap occurred. Without warning, your hand wavered, causing the tea to spill, cascading down your pants. Your eyes widened in surprise, the unexpected jolt momentarily suspending the jovial ambiance.

Julie gasped "Oh no! You okay?" She reached for the tissue from the counter and tried to dry it up

"I'm fine, just spilled the tea. I'll go clean myself" you said thanking her

𝐄𝐧𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 | 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 [✔]Where stories live. Discover now