Chapter 17

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WARNING: Horror, body parts, blood, gore and violence.

You manage to break free from Wally's grip, your fist connecting with enough force to make him release you, albeit in pain. As you scramble away, panic sets in, causing you to stumble and fall clumsily down a few steps before regaining your footing. The world outside the door, however, is nothing like what you remember. The sky is a deep red, and eyes seem to be everywhere, even the moon stares down at you ominously.

In the distance, you spot Sally, but something is wrong. She moves like a lifeless puppet, and as you start to call out to her, other neighbors begin to converge around her, their movements eerie and unnatural. They merge in a grotesque display of agony, forming a disturbing entity that sends shivers down your spine.

Just as you gasp in horror, the door slams shut, and the curtain wraps around your waist, pulling you into the closet for safety. It's home, seemingly acting on its own to protect you. From the small crack in the closet, you witness the fused neighbors groaning and crying in torment as they search the room.

"Home?" You whispered, surprised and confused. However, Home didn't answer as he let out small creaking sounds telling you to be quiet.

Suddenly, another set of footsteps enters the room, and you recognize Wally's voice scolding the fused neighbors for breaking in. Through the gap, you see him rubbing his bruised fist, evidence of the punch you landed earlier. As he tends to his injuries, he sighs.

"What are you thinking just to burst into my doorstep like that?" He said harshly, stepping the fused neighbors with slight pressure making them cry in agony, their mixed voices sending shivers down your spine.

"We're sorry, Wally! Please, just let us go. We've done enough to make them stay here" they mentioned you as their pathetic voice echoed through the dark living room.

"You did a horrible job. Absolutely, useless!"

The fused neighbors whine, sounding almost like a dog being scolded. You can't but feel weirded out by what you have just seen, it's felt like a horror movie except this is real.

"Because of that, I will teach you a lesson. A special punishment that I'll make sure you'll never see the light ever again" Wally speak with a sinister smirk.

"Find them."

Wally orders the fused neighbors to search for you, and they begin to separate into grotesque configurations of limbs and body parts, some crawling while others roll in search of their target. The scene is horrifying, a twisted nightmare comes to life.

Meanwhile, Wally's frustration boils over as he stares at the closed door. With a burst of rage, he punches the wall, blood staining his fist.

"Home, where is Y/n?"

He demands answers from Home, demanding to know where you've been. Home remains silent, refusing to divulge your whereabouts, much to Wally's growing fury.

His eyes narrow in venomous anger as he addresses Home once more, demanding the truth.

"Home, I'm speaking to you." He harshly spoke, he spat his name as if it was a curse. Finally, Home responds, claiming ignorance, creaking a few sounds saying 'I don't know' but it's a lie, and Wally can sense it. The tension in the room mounts as the truth remains hidden, and the surreal events outside continue to unfold, casting a shadow over everything.

"You'll regret that" his lips twitch slightly before walking away from the room to search for the entire house.

You sigh in relief as you thank Home quietly, feeling a sense of safety despite the chaos outside. Home responds with a silent creaking sound, a reassurance of its presence. Slowly, Home opens the closet door, allowing you to walk out, though your clothes gather dust from the dirty closet's interior.

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