Chapter 10

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You stirred on the couch, the soft glow of the old TV illuminating the room as you shifted under the blankets that covered you. The events of that night still haunted you, like a shadow that refused to be cast aside. The incident left you terrified, both physically and emotionally, and you found solace in the isolation of your home.

Despite your desire for solitude, there were those in the neighborhood who remained concerned. They could see the closed curtains and the shut doors, but their attempts to reach out to you were met with silence. You preferred the company of your thoughts, locked away in this prison of your own making.

As you lay there, enveloped in the warmth of the blankets, you heard a faint knock on the door. Your heart skipped a beat, Who could it be? Was it another neighbor, attempting to insert themselves into my world once again? Or perhaps it was something more sinister?

Reluctantly, you pushed yourself off the couch, the blankets trailing behind you like the remnants of a disheveled ball gown. You approached the door cautiously, your steps measured and silent. Opening it just a crack, you peered outside, your eyes adjusting to the darkness beyond.

To your surprise, it was Julie, a persistent and caring soul from down the street. Her eyes pleaded with me to let her in, to open up and share the burden that lay heavy on your heart. But your walls remained as steadfast as ever, and you could not find the words to explain.

"Y/n, can I come in?" Her tone soft yet low, her concerned gaze locked to yours

Before she could say another word you closed the door a bit and muttered No..."

You watched as Julie's shoulders slumped, a defeated sigh escaping her lips.

"It's okay, take your time. I'll talk to you later if you're ready" She smiles sadly

She turned away, her footsteps fading into the distance. For a moment, you felt a pang of guilt, a pang that you quickly pushed aside. You needed space, and Julie, no matter how well-meaning, could not offer you that solace.

You closed the door silently, barricading yourself once again from the outside world. The silence settled around you, filling the room with a weight that matched the heaviness in your heart. You made your way back to the couch, sinking into its familiar embrace.

Eyes wide open, staring up to dimly ceiling your head runs with millions kind of questions and it's getting more overwhelming at the time. You don't remember how you got here in the first place and how you even made a connection with this lovely neighbor around the neighborhood.

But the only thing you remember is your name and you do not belong in this world. You groan quietly, frustrated and in conflict with your thoughts. Digging your finger into the soft pillow beside you and burry onto your face.

Perhaps another sleep could make your mind less stressful

Just as you were about to succumb to the pull of sleep, a second knock broke the stillness. Your breath caught in your throat, your mind racing with possibilities. This time, curiosity trumped your desire for seclusion, and you approached the door with a mix of apprehension and anticipation.

As the door creaked open, your eyes widened in surprise. Standing there, bathed in the soft glow of the porch light, was Wally. His presence alone ignited curiosity within you. It's been almost two weeks now and he never visited you like others did, his half-lidded eyes seemingly calm and soft with a smile across his face

"Wally," I said, my voice quivering with a mix of a bit of irritation and desperation. "I didn't want anyone to visit me right now." His shoes between the door prevent you from closing it as his gaze is now sharply looking up at you

"That was unneighborly of you, neighbor. Shutting the door before finishing the conversation is quite rude"

You backed a bit still holding the door close, you don't think you've ever seen him like that.

Clearing your throat, you smile at him as you keep on your composure "I'm sorry but I think-"

Wally, with an air of quiet confidence, simply ignored your words and pushed the door open, making his way inside.

With a gentle hand, Wally guided you towards the couch and thoughtfully wrapped a warm blanket around you, cocooning you in its comforting embrace. He brushed a loose strand of hair away from your face, tucking it delicately behind your ear. His touch was tender.

Wally closed the curtains even more, plunging the room into near darkness. No sliver of light dared to penetrate the solitude we now inhabited.

Your confusion grew, mixing with a growing anger at Wally's persistence. You had explicitly expressed your desire to be alone. But Wally, with his subtle charisma, continued to disregard your request.

"Wally, what are you doing?"

He continued to do his little task humming soft songs as he shutted the next curtain beside him. Ignoring your questions and stare. He then heads where you sat and leans closer

"Wally, what are-"


Suddenly Wally's lips pressed against yours, you couldn't help but be taken aback by his sudden boldness. It was unlike him to act so assertively, especially given your current mood.

You broke away, your breath catching in your throat, and looked at him with a mixture of surprise and confusion. "What was that for?...." You demanded, your voice trying to assert control, but betraying a hint of vulnerability.

He simply stared back at you, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I'm here because I couldn't stand to see you hiding away from the world, neighbor," he said softly, his fingers gently caressing your cheek. "You've been shutting everyone out since that night, and it's about time someone broke down that wall."

You quickly lean away from his touch weirded out by this.

You felt a knot of frustration building within you. You had intentionally isolated yourself, seeking solace within the confines of your thoughts. But Wally had a way of penetrating even the strongest barriers, it seemed.

"I appreciate your concern, Wally, I truly do," I began, my voice laced with a hint of resignation. "But I need time to process everything that's happened"

He leans closer, almost brushing your forehead to his "Then tell me, neighbor. What happened that night?" He spoke, his finger traveling to your chin and tilting aside just a bit.

You frown slightly, grabbing his wrist from touching you, and whisper "What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing wrong with me, neighbor. Now, Answer my question"

Wally's piercing gaze bore into you as he demanded an answer about the night before. For a moment, you stayed silent, your mind racing to find the right words to explain the inexplicable. Finally, you spoke, your voice wavering with uncertainty.

"I saw a figure in the mirror. It looked like me" You paused for a moment before continuing "I know this sounds kinda crazy and noisy but I can tell you that I do not belong to this world"

Wally remained quiet, absorbing your words with a mix of concern and curiosity. As soon you tell him you do not belong here his expression slightly changes, yet you not sure what it's means. He stood up abruptly and walked towards the window, his expression unfathomable.

"You're not supposed to remember that" he muttered, almost to himself. Though spoken softly, the weight of those words resonated within you, leaving you even more bewildered.

Confused by his cryptic statement, you spoke up, my voice tinged with alarm. "Wally, what do you mean? Do you know something about this?"

Startled by your sudden plea for answers, Wally stepped closer, placing his hand reassuringly on my shoulder.

"Maybe you should go take a rest, neighbor"

He looked deep into your eyes, and in that moment, a mysterious calm washed over you, accompanied by a light-headedness. Before you could make sense of it all, darkness enveloped you, and you slipped into unconsciousness.

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