Chapter 4

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"I should have brought my umbrella earlier, now I'm soaked with this rain"

you ran down the road huffed and puffed during the long journey, you couldn't help but feel a sense of panic overcome as you got chased by some kind of wild animal.

you had just visited your friend, Sally who needs your assistance with some sort of important thing, and found it a bit dumb for her to choose a lazy person like you but figure out nobody there to help her so you had to.

you had forgotten your umbrella even though the weather wasn't that clear that day, and now you were soaked through and cold.

you had been running for what felt like a minute or maybe hours and were getting exhausted every second. your legs were aching and your feet were sore. But you couldn't stop now, not when you're so close to your destination.

you could feel the mud oozing up around your shoes as tried to stay on the hardpacked parts of the road, but it was no use. The mud was everywhere, and you were starting to sink, consumed by the puddles and mud that could've swallowed you.

you cursed yourself for not thinking to bring an umbrella. you were so focused on getting to Sally's house that you had forgotten the most basic of precautions, and you were running through the rain like a madwoman

"Ugh! Can't believe this happened for the second time!" you exclaimed, it's true last time you were in this situation you had to pass a more slippery road and ended up sick the next day

soon you eventually fall into the mud, face-planted into the dirty ground, you let out a loud groan of frustration as you bite the ground with your fist. you had been trying to avoid the puddles on the road but had slipped and fallen anyway. cursing and mumbling under your breath soft clicking footsteps approach your poor figure

you look up, narrow hardly seeing the person above you, knowing so well who's the person could be "Oh uh, hey" you awkwardly greet feeling embarrassed with the mess you in

Wally, who had just walked by from Howdy's store, couldn't help but chuckle to himself, eyes staring down at you with his same theme smile. He watched as you struggled to get back up, your clothes covered in mud and your hair disheveled, covering some dry leaves.

"Well, looks like you're in a bit of a pickle," Wally said, chuckling. Before bringing the umbrella to your head from the cold rain

you glared at him, annoyed and humiliated. "Can you please help me up?" you asked "I don't want to be stuck here all day" you sighed, wanting to punch yourself already

Wally shrugged and walked over to you. He grabbed your arm and pulled you to your feet. "Why are you out here without any raincoat nor umbrella, neighbor?" he asked seemingly visibly concerned about how messy you look right now

"I just forgot to bring one" you simply said


you bit your lips and nodded slightly, shamefaced "Yes, again but you don't need to get surprised since it was me" He hummed, his gentle touch guiding you to move from the disaster before your eyes

"You should stay at my place, give the Storm a chance to let up, Home would've been happy since they seem quite fond of you"

You tried to protest, but Wally was insistent "Nonsense, there's no such thing as a burden"

as he carefully brought you to the safe path of the road, kicking the puddle a bit. He led me over to the front door. Home swung the door open to lead you two in and thanked Home after which he replied with a squeaking and creaking sound.

Examining the living room, it hasn't changed a bit since you visited him a few weeks ago still with those multiple paintings and an empty canvas with various shapes of brushes and paints. Everything is just too colorful and somehow makes your eyes burn if stare too long

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