Chapter 7

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You were not particularly thrilled about helping Wally plant flowers around his home. You had agreed to assist him out of kindness, but deep down, you just wanted to go home and curl up for a nap. You weren't known for being the most active or enthusiastic individual when it came to physical activities.

As you continued to plant yet another flower, you couldn't help but feel a hint of annoyance when Sally and Julie strolled by. The two girls cheerfully waved at them while exchanging mischievous glances and giggles. It seemed they had assumed there was some secret romantic relationship brewing between you and Wally. You let out a sigh, not even bothering to try and explain the misunderstanding.

The misunderstanding may have arisen because they had spent the previous night at Wally's place, but it was purely a friendly 'sleepover' the idea of a romantic involvement with Wally simply didn't cross their mind.


With another sigh, you wiped off the sweat from their brow. You pondered why Wally always asked them to join in on these activities when there were plenty of other neighbors who could lend a hand. You fully embraced their love for sleep and relaxation, and physical exertion was not your cup of tea.

But despite your laziness, you couldn't ignore the fact that Wally genuinely valued their help and company. So you decided to push aside your weariness and continue assisting Wally in his gardening endeavor. After all, true friendship meant supporting each other even when it required some extra effort.

So, you planted another flower by Wally's side, their determination reigniting. As you worked, you couldn't help but smile at Wally's passion for his garden. Maybe helping Wally wasn't such a bad idea after all. The vibrant colors and sweet fragrances surrounding you began to bring a sense of contentment.

"Hey, neighbor" his tone soft as usual, making them stop and focus on their little task

"Yeah?" You raised your eyebrows, tilting your gardening hat up to look at him, wondering why he called them

You blinked in surprise when Wally signaled for you to come closer. You raised an eyebrow, your curiosity piqued, and cautiously walked towards him, kneeling beside him. They couldn't help but wonder what he wanted to tell them.

To their astonishment, Wally gently touched your chin, capturing your attention. Your eyes widened as he carefully tucked a red rose behind your ear, complimenting how pretty you looked and how well the rose suited them.

"Ah, you look absolutely beautiful, neighbor. The color sure suits you"

You froze in place, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected gesture. you thanked him, your mind still trying to process what had just happened.

"Thanks, Wally..."

Lost in your thoughts, they wondered why Wally had suddenly acted in such a flirty manner. Was there something more than friendship on his mind? Or was he simply being his usual kind and caring self? The uncertainty weighed on their thoughts, but they decided to believe it was just a friendly gesture, albeit an unusually romantic one.

"It's just a simple kindness..." You muttered silently

Shaking off the confusion, you returned to your little task of watering the flowers. You carefully avoided overwatering the plants, trying to maintain just the right balance. As you focused on your task, Wally's voice caught you by surprise. He asked if you wanted some water

"Do you my assistance? Those water look almost finished"

Jolting you from their zoning out. You nodded, a bit startled by his sudden offer "Sure, thanks again"

As Wally handed them the watering can, you couldn't help but take a moment to study him. He seemed casual and usual, with no signs indicating that the rose or his words held any hidden meaning. Perhaps it was just an act of kindness, his way of making them feel appreciated. You decided not to dwell too much on it and carried on with the watering.

You tilted the watering can carefully, making sure not to pour too much water onto the flowers. Your mind wandered as you continued your task, feline thoughts meandering through their lazy and exhausted minds.

With each droplet of water that fell onto the thirsty soil, you felt a sense of fulfillment. As you watched the plants soak up the water.

"I guess that's all, is there anything you need me to plant?" You dusted your pants before slowly getting up, staring at their amazing work

Wally who just finished moving the pot nodded slightly, gently wiping the sweat rolling down his forehead "I think that's all, let's get something to drink"

You could feel your mind dance in victory, happy to finally end this madness. Putting the shovel aside, both of them walk into the house once Home swings the door open

You settled down on the couch, as Wally headed to the kitchen to get them some cold water. Leaning against the soft cushions, you let out a tired sigh, being careful not to disturb the delicate rose tucked behind your ear.

Your mind began to wander, and suddenly, a wave of discomfort washed over there chest, making you shift uneasily. They felt uncertain as if they didn't quite belong in this place.

Just then, Wally returned with a glass of water and settled down beside them on the couch, his back resting against it. He looked at you with a smile, expressing gratitude for their help earlier.

"Thank you, for helping me out, neighbor"

You shook there and smiled, sipping your water desperately "Hmm, no problem"

As they sat you in a comfortable silence, enjoying the stillness, you let out a soft yawn before laying your head on the couch back, crossing your arm on your chest. Shifted slightly to find a comfortable position

As you were sitting together, enjoying a peaceful moment of silence. The tranquility was abruptly disrupted when he turned to me with a curious expression on his face and asked why Julie and Sally referred to each other as 'love birds' They could sense a hint of confusion in his voice as you awkwardly shifted in their seats.

"Uh...they just like to tease us" The shrug

"Oh, I see. If you don't mind, what does love birds mean? We're not birds"

You raised your eyebrows and chuckled "Love birds..." You began "is a term often used to describe two people who seem inseparable, connected, and deeply in love. It signifies a strong bond and affection between two individuals. Like Frank and Eddie"

Wally's confusion was evident, as he attempted to comprehend the underlying meaning. He questioned why Sally and Julie would assume that we were a couple when you weren't.

"So does that mean you and me are a couple?"

You blinked and shook your head "No no, of course not! You know, I do love you but nothing more and nothing less, Wally"

He nodded slightly, eyes narrow for a moment before smiling "I understood, now"

You simply nodded before leaning back to the soft couch "I'm going to take a nap" you said, closing your eyes, Wally gave a simple nod as he watched you drift into a deep sleep.

His gaze switched towards the window and whispered to home

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