Chapter 15

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As the neighborhood gathered for a casual picnic, you found yourself amid friendly chatter and laughter. Sitting amidst the cheerful ambiance, you couldn't help but notice Wally, who held a deep disdain for them, seated across the makeshift table. Despite the convivial atmosphere, your gaze fixated on Wally, your eyes narrowing with an intensity that spoke volumes of your feelings toward him.

Wally, wearing his usual disarming smile, seemed oblivious to the tension brewing from across the table. You, on the other hand, maintained an unwavering stare, your expression hardening as you met Wally's gaze. The air between you seemed charged with unspoken animosity, yet Wally's demeanor remained unchanged.

Refusing to look away, you picked up a bun, your fingers gripping it firmly as you slowly brought it to your mouth. With deliberate slowness, you took a bite, never breaking eye contact with Wally. Each chew seemed laden with an underlying tension, your focus solely fixated on the object of your disdain.

Despite the joviality surrounding them, a silent battle of wills ensued between them and Wally, conveyed through the intensity of your locked stares. The bite of the bun served as a deliberate act, a statement of your refusal to succumb to the facade of normalcy in the presence of someone you harbored such strong negative feelings for.

"Do I look fabulous this morning, neighbor?" Wally said softly as he watched your eyes twitch in annoyance, your lips pursed slightly with a burning stare to his gaze "A fabulous to punch on" you said sternly, squeezing the bun tightly as your nails dug deep into the texture.

Sally and Julie at the side of the table observe the so-called moment between you and Wally, the two puppet girl raise their eyebrow before sharing a look "What's up with them?" Sally whispered "I don't know but it seems they had that intense stare" Julie whispered back.

"Isn't that Wally thing?" Julie snort

"I think (y/n) had a deep influence on him" Sally shrugged her shoulder

Every time both of your paths cross, it's like there's a silent battle of wills happening. you can't help but shoot daggers at him with your eyes, and he seems to find it amusing. It's infuriating.

For instance. He let out a soft humming to himself as if he didn't have a care in the world. And then, out of nowhere, he rolls an apple toward you. Now, call you suspicious, but when Wally does something unexpected, it's usually for a reason. So you catch the apple, eyeing him warily. His smile grows wider like he's waiting for something.

'one day, I'll make sure those stupid smiles of yours disappear'

When you examine the apple, there's a bite mark on it. Your gaze shoots up to meet his, and there's a split second where something unsettling flashes across his face. It's like a glimpse into something darker, something that makes you flinch in shock. But just as quickly as it appears, it's gone, replaced by that infuriating smile.

He chuckles, turning his attention to Barnaby, who's calling him. And in that moment, left me trying to make sense of what just happened. It's like Wally's got this knack for unsettling people, for playing these odd mind games. And you're not sure you want to figure out what his endgame is.

you let out a small 'tch' before turning away, and scooted next to Howdy as you feel way more comfortable with him.

It didn't take too long after the picnic was over, as you quickly walked away from the crowds as usual, shoving your hand into the pocket of your coat you lazily walked to the path where your house was. Despite knowing you're not even in this world you manage to stay composure and you're not sure how long you could hold it.

While walking down the yellow road, you glance at Wally's place- Home. Who looks almost hollow like an empty shell, you notice the usual pupils at the window are no longer there but dark, it's like Home is no longer there. You frown a little, feeling a wave of discomfort wash over your body making you shiver slightly. Just what in the world going on?

You were quick with your pace not wanting to stay any longer, as you jogged up to the small hill before entering the house and shut it quickly as something was chasing you all the way. You breathe heavily, and slowly your hand slides to your hair and grips it with a gentle tug, groaning in frustration.

"Damn this, damn Wally, and damn my fate" you muttered, you can't take this any longer.

you have to find a way to escape from this world, even if it going to risk your life. But you had no idea how.

You walk towards the bedroom, a sense of discomfort washing over you as you can't shake the feeling that someone is watching you. The hallway seems eerily quiet as you make your way to the room you don't often find yourself in. As you enter, you head towards your desk and find solace in staring into the mirror.

Taking a deep breath, you let out a shaky exhale, feeling a surge of anxiety and confusion building within you. It's at this moment that you summon the courage to call out to someone in the mirror as if expecting them to emerge just like the first time you encountered this inexplicable phenomenon.

"Hey, mirror person? Are you there?"

Yet, once again, there is nothing but your reflection staring back at you.

"I had a question...well a lot of questions, do you mind appearing or something like that?"


"No? Yes? Maybe?"


"Are you real?"


A sense of frustration washes over you, and you groan audibly, feeling foolish for even attempting to engage in conversation with a mirror. You start to dismiss the whole notion, convinced that you're losing your mind. But just as you're about to leave the room, the door suddenly slams shut, startling you.

A tapping sound begins emanating from the mirror, drawing your attention back to it. To your astonishment, the figure in the mirror starts to materialize, slowly taking shape. It appears to be a person, almost identical to you, yet somehow more human. Their features seem familiar, but you can't quite place them. Just as you remember the night you see.

As your eyes meet, you feel a mix of curiosity and trepidation. The figure in the mirror stares back at you with an intensity that sends shivers down your spine. There is something unspoken in their gaze as if they hold secrets or knowledge that could unravel the very fabric of your existence.

Caught in a moment of both fear and intrigue, you remain locked in a silent standoff with the person in the mirror, wondering what lies behind their enigmatic presence and what it could mean for your reality.

"Um...hey" you slowly approach the mirror in anxiety, feeling your heart beat rapidly, a sweat starts to form on your cheeks

It didn't move except the eyes that followed every movement and step you took, it started to freak you out. Slowly sitting in front of the mirror you give a hesitant smile before continuing to speak.

"Can you tell me what's happening?" You smile nervously

It stares at you like a statue, its pupils seem to be slightly bigger before copying the way you smile. It reaches its hand towards the glass mirror as it tells you to come closer

Hesitantly, you reach your ear next to the mirror where its hand rests as its lips go closer to where your ear was.

"Wally's Basement. Tape. Television. Exit"

You frown a little, as you glance at it only to see it already gone now back to your reflection. Your mind runs wild as you consider the new information you just got from the person.

"The exit is down to Wally's Basement..."

A/n: hey, sorry for the late update. By the way, there are a few chapters before the story ends.

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