Chapter 8

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You had been lying in bed for hours. Despite your best efforts, you just couldn't seem to drift off to sleep. You tossed and turned, counted sheep, and tried every relaxation technique you could think of, but nothing worked. Silently cursed under your breath in annoyance.

Eventually, you gave up and decided that a nice warm cup of tea might help soothe your nerves and send them off to dreamland. You slipped out of bed and pulled on their fuzzy robes. It was chilly out, the kind of night where the air had a crisp bite to it. You shuffled your way down the hall and into the kitchen, flipping on the lights as you went.

As you dug around in the cupboard for a mug, you couldn't help but notice how still and silent everything was outside. It was after midnight, and as far as they could tell, the whole neighborhood was asleep. You wondered briefly if anyone else was up, fighting the same losing battle with sleep that you were.

You filled the kettle and set it to boil, the soft hiss of the gas range the only sound in the whole house. The only light came from the flickering flame beneath the pot, casting long, wavering shadows on the walls.

As you stood there, waiting for the water to heat up, you felt an uneasy chill run up your spine. It was as if you could sense something just beyond your field of vision, lurking in the darkness. You shook it off and turned their attention back to the kettle, but the feeling persisted.

When the water was finally ready, you poured it over your tea bag and settled into a darkened corner of the kitchen. You sipped their drink slowly, letting the warmth wash over you and calm their racing heart. Gradually, the sense of unease began to fade.

Your gaze went towards the small window of the kitchen watching the stars above the dark sky now. Decided to take a good view you went outside.

As you stepped out onto the doorstep, you were welcomed by the chilly breeze of the midnight air. You wrapped their robe around your body tightly, clutching onto their warm cup of tea. As you looked up, you noticed that the blue sky had turned into a dark, starry night.

The silence of the neighborhood had enveloped them, with only the slight sound of crickets chirping in the background. It was as if the world was asleep, and you were the only one awake to witness the beauty that filled the sky.

You took a sip of their tea, savoring the warmth it brought to your body. As you looked around, the familiar surroundings that you had known for so long felt different, almost magical in this serene moment. You closed your eyes, took a deep breath in, and let out a contented sigh.

For a moment, you enjoyed the peace that surrounded them. As you opened their eyes, their gaze fell back to the stars and you couldn't help but feel small amidst the vastness of the universe.

You spent the rest of the night seated on the doorstep, lost in thought and marveling at the starry sky above them. The hot tea had long gone cold, but they were left with a warmth deep within them, one that only comes from.

Feeling like forever, your gaze switches towards the neighborhood and examines the night around the place. All of them are sure asleep, however, your attention shifts towards one middle house that stands among the residents, Wally.

You swear they could feel their hearts jump in surprise when you saw this, his eyes were the only ones you could see in those dark windows. Your eyes are wide while staring at one of your neighbors who seems staring at you the whole time, unsure if he was there from the start

Awkwardly and crept out by this your gaze slowly shifts back to the sky trying to act normal about it. Sipping your now cold tea in uneasiness

'what's up with him? Is he always like that?'

𝐄𝐧𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 | 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 [✔]Where stories live. Discover now