Chapter 11

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[This short chapter is about the reader before and after the 'incident' happened]

You woke up abruptly, startled by the blaring alarm clock next to you. Letting out a frustrated groan, you quickly reached over and shut off the alarm. Your irritation was only amplified by the sounds of their neighbors screaming at each other, yet again. Another day, another fight.

"My gosh..." You muttered

Rubbing your tired eyes, you stumbled out of your bedroom, almost tripping over your own feet due to sleepiness. You made your way to the bathroom and splashed cold water on your face, hoping to shake off the remnants of grogginess. It was a feeble attempt, but every little bit helped.

Feeling a pang of hunger, you wandered into the kitchen, only to find it lacking in supplies. There were only a few ingredients left and not much else. Shrugging your shoulders, you grabbed the nearly empty juice carton and took a long swig straight from it, not caring for a glass in your current state.

You need to buy some groceries later. Putting on your list.

Needing a change of scenery, you opened the sliding door, hoping to catch a glimpse of the town outside. However, your moment of tranquility was abruptly interrupted when an old lady's dog decided to relieve itself in your car. Sighing, you couldn't help but chuckle at the chaos life threw your way. It seemed like there was always something happening, but you had grown accustomed to rolling with the punches.

Returning inside, you glanced at the clock and realized you had nowhere to be and nothing pressing to attend to. With a shrug of indifference, you made your way back to bed, deciding to indulge in a few moments of relaxation.

Letting out a small sigh, you rolled your back to a comfortable position and stared at the white chilling above you. Life was boring and you wish something had happened in your life.

You lay on your bed, feeling bored and unproductive. You looked at the clock on your wall and saw that it was still early in the morning. With nothing else to do, you grabbed your phone and started scrolling through social media, reading random posts and news articles.

While scrolling, you saw a trending post called 'Welcome Home.' It had been gaining popularity over the past few weeks, and you had heard about it but never checked it out. The post was about a puppet show that used to be famous years ago. You weren't a big fan of puppet shows, but you were curious to see what the fuss was about.

You clicked on the post and were taken to a website that had a detailed description of each neighborhood where the puppet show had been held. As you read through bios and scanned the art, you found yourself getting more and more interested. The website was aesthetically pleasing with beautiful artwork, and you found yourself drawn into the creativity of the puppeteers.

For almost five hours, you immersed yourself in the website, exploring the different neighborhoods and appreciating the artistry behind them. As the sun started to climb higher in the sky, you realized that you had spent a lot of time on the website. It was almost afternoon. You decided to rest for a bit and took a refreshing shower to clear your head.


"He's here...I can feel it"

You frantically stood in the dimly lit room, your heart pounding in your chest. The eerie silence was broken only by the heavy rainstorm and thunder outside. On the screen, sheets of tape covered every inch, as if trying to keep something or someone inside.

"I shouldn't visit that damn website" you whispered self

Sweat rolled down your cheeks as you clutched onto the baseball tightly, seeking comfort in its familiar shape. Your eyes darted around the dark house, searching for any sign of danger. This situation has been a few weeks now.

Suddenly, a soft chuckle echoed through the room, sending shivers down your spine. You felt a surge of anxiety course through your veins, your messy hair sticking to your forehead as you grew more exhausted by the minute.

"Don't make this hard, neighbor..."

The voice continued to echo, swirling around the room as if taunting you. Unbeknownst to you, the television covered over with tape behind you suddenly let out a screeching noise, causing you to jump in terror. You turned around slowly, your eyes widening with horror.

Black, viscous liquid oozed out from the depths of the TV screen, staining the living room floor. You wanted to run, to escape this nightmare, but before you could react, the black tendrils reached out, wrapping around your trembling body. You scream and cry for help mingling with your tears.

You desperately clawed at the floor, trying to resist the force pulling you closer to the television. But it was no use. The black entity relentlessly dragged you closer, inch by inch, until were consumed by the depths of the TV.

As you disappeared into the ominous void, the once chaotic room fell into an eerie silence.

𝐄𝐧𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 | 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 [✔]Where stories live. Discover now