Path 2 - The Truth

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(Ending 2)

As Wally's lips graze your skin, a wave of revulsion washes over you, fueled by the hatred that burns in the depths of your heart. You can't stand the sight of him, can't bear the thought of the pain and suffering he's inflicted upon you.

With trembling hands, you lash out, your fist connecting with his jaw in a resounding blow. His eyes widen in shock, disbelief written across his features as if he never expected you to fight back.

But you don't stop there. With a surge of adrenaline, you scramble away, your heart pounding with each frantic beat. Into the darkness you flee, each step a desperate bid for freedom from his suffocating grasp.

Wally's footsteps echo behind you, a relentless pursuit fueled by anger and desperation. He lunges at you, trying to pin you down, but you refuse to surrender, fighting back with a ferocity born of sheer determination.

"Get back here, neighbor!" He yells.

You kick and thrash, your movements fueled by a primal instinct to survive. With a final burst of energy, you break free, racing towards the distant light that promises escape from this nightmare.

The TV flickers into view, its glow illuminating the darkness with an eerie light. Frantically, you search for anything to aid your escape, but despair settles in as you find nothing but emptiness and despair.

Tears blur your vision as frustration boils over, culminating in a violent onslaught against the TV screen. Your fist connects with a resounding crash, the sound of shattering glass echoing through the silence.

And then, in a moment of sheer desperation, you feel your arm sinking into the TV screen, pulling you into its depths with a force beyond comprehension. Panic grips you as you're consumed by darkness, the world fading away into nothingness.

But as you emerge on the other side, back in the familiar confines of your own home, relief floods over you like a tidal wave. You've escaped, broken free from Wally's twisted grasp, and now you're finally safe.

"You can't escape me, y/n! You cannot escape your fate. You are mine and you learn to accept that! You think this is over?!"

You jump at the familiar voice as you glance back at the TV screen, you see Wally's enraged face, his attempts to follow you thwarted by your actions. With a defiant groan, you grabbed the nearest object that was hard enough to deliver a blow and smashed it multiple times before yelling down the screen.

"Be gone!" Then with a final blow, everything went quiet, silencing his voice once and for all.

The silence that follows is deafening, a stark reminder of the horrors you've endured. Collapsing to your knees, you let out a raw, gut-wrenching sob, the weight of your ordeal crashing down upon you like a tidal wave. You pull the 'thing' out from behind your neck and throw it away across the room, it was a small device with wire attached to it.

But amidst the tears and the pain, there's a glimmer of hope, a newfound sense of strength born from the ashes of despair.

'I've finally free'

⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ [ 𓁹𓁹 ]⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯

Wally's heart pounds in his chest as he stands before the person- no, Beta Wally, the weight of his failure heavy upon him. The cozy ambiance of the room clashes with the tension in the air, the music from the radio a stark contrast to the fear that grips Wally's soul.

As Beta Wally turns his attention towards him, Wally can feel the weight of his gaze, a silent judgment that sends shivers down his spine. He approaches hesitantly, every step a testament to the fear that courses through his veins.

When Beta Wally gestures for him to come closer, Wally's legs feel like lead, his movements slow and deliberate as he stands by his side. The newspaper lays forgotten on the table, a harbinger of the impending storm.

The words hang heavy in the air as Beta Wally speaks, his disappointment palpable even in the silence that follows. "Well?"

Wally's throat constricts, the words caught in his throat as he struggles to find the courage to speak.

"They escaped," he finally manages to croak out, the admission hanging between them like a heavyweight. He braces himself for the onslaught of anger, for the punishment he knows what's come.

But instead of a torrent of rage, there's only silence. Beta Wally pauses, his expression unreadable as he processes the gravity of Wally's failure. The sigh that escapes him speaks volumes, a mix of frustration and resignation that cuts through the tension like a knife.

And then, without warning, Beta Wally's hand wraps around Wally's neck, his grip tight and unforgiving. Panic courses through Wally's veins as he struggles to breathe, the pressure bearing down on him like a vice.

"You a fucking failure"

Wally grew anxious as he held his hand tightly trying to move his hand away from his neck. "i-I did what you told me! I did everything- I acted just as you wanted me to be!-"

"Then how did they escape?! They never gone this far before!" Beta Wally yells in rage.

"I don't know-! Please don't hurt me!" Wally broke into tears as he trembled.

Beta Wally's breath was heavy and sharp as he threw him onto the couch, he looked down at him with disappointment. He shook his head and walked towards the big window quietly.

"You know what happens to those who have failed me, right?" His tone is dark and low, and his eyes glared at him.

Wally's heart pounding rapidly as he sobbed in fear "N-no! Please- not like this! Please- we both love them but-"

"Julie, take him away" Beta Wally ordered, not wanting to hear any further explanation from his other versions, and calmly headed to another room. Julie or more likely Beta Julie approaches Wally from behind as she smiles at him sweetly.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt" she giggled, she called the other Beta's version of Wally's neighbors to pick him up and he began to trash around in fear.

They drag him into his fate just like his neighbors.

A/n: Plot twist :]

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