Chapter 12

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As you woke up and slowly adjusted your blurry vision, confusion washed over you. You couldn't remember how you ended up in this unfamiliar place. Rubbing your eyes, you sat up and took in your surroundings. It was Wally's house, but why were you there? Your gaze flickered to the window, which was tightly closed off by the drawn curtains, casting the room into darkness.

The darkness made you feel sick as if you had been trapped in it for too long.

A soft voice interrupted your thoughts, coming from the kitchen. Wally emerged, holding a tray of food. He placed it carefully on the table and smiled at me, urging me to eat.

Hesitation lingered within you after what had just happened, but before you could say anything, he shushed me gently, insisting that you eat in peace.

"Eat, neighbor. I'll get you something to drink" he stood up and disappeared into the kitchen

You glanced over at Home, hoping for a response or some sort of guidance, but they remained silent. With reluctance, you attempted to eat, but your lack of appetite made it difficult. Thoughts raced through your mind, and you longed to find answers. It was frustrating not being able to communicate with Home, especially in this bewildering situation.

As you continued to struggle with your lack of appetite, you mustered the courage to speak up. Looking at Wally, you inquired quietly

"What's going on?"

Wally's eyes glance at you, his gaze filled with a mixture of calm and compassion. "Neighbor, you just need someone to take care of you," he said with a smile before setting down a cup of tea on the small table

You frown at his words, he seems rather calm and unbothered. Like if he used to this kind of situation before your eyes keep staring at him, food untouched as you feel yourself getting more irritated

"I don't need that, what I was asking is-"

"Do you need some help to eat your breakfast, neighbor? You haven't touched your food yet"

he cut your sentence and scooted next to you before grabbing the plate away from your hand. He digs into the hot chocolate pancakes before slowly leaning the fork toward your lips and gently giving you a warm look

"Say Aaah.."

"Wally stop acting-" Ignoring your annoyance he gently shoved the pancakes into your mouth forcing you to eat it. You chew the food slowly trying to take it slow as you quietly swallow the food. You purse your lips tightly before giving a look

"I can eat by myself..."

"I know, but you seem to need my help" he spoke calmly, making the same action again only you quickly slap his wrist gently yet firmly. Your gaze locked on his black eyes that seemingly empty and blank

His lips twitched slightly by the soft aggressive you did yet he remained composure and friendly. Putting down the plate next to the table and then softly speaking.


"You know something that I don't know, right?"

His friendly smile seemingly curled into a slight frown as you mentioned about the earlier conversation, he looked unpleasant to hear those statements you just told him.

"You still remember?"

"Yes! Is there something wrong with that?"

He stays silent. Wally's actions had left you feeling increasingly frustrated and confused. You couldn't understand why he would ignore you and brush off the previous conversations. As you watched him grab the plate of untouched breakfast and stand up, an intense wave of anger washed over you. How could he just dismiss you like that?

"Seriously? You're just going walk away and ignore me?"

Without thinking, you demanded an answer from him. You wanted to know why he was acting this way, why he was shutting you out. But Wally, in an attempt to diffuse the tension, simply told you to calm down and suggested you forget about the earlier conversation. He wanted things to go back to normal as if nothing had happened.

"Calm down neighbor, You have to control your thoughts. We can hang out after I clean this up"

But you weren't going to let him off the hook so easily. You were frustrated, hurt, and increasingly annoyed by his dismissal of your concerns. You wanted to go home. You felt trapped in a situation that was spiraling out of control.

As you moved towards the door to leave, you found it locked. Confusion washed over you as you desperately tried to get Home's attention, asking them to open the door. But they remained silent as if they didn't hear your pleas.

Your frustration escalated when you attempted to open the window, only to have it slammed shut in front of you. It was as if the universe was conspiring against you, trapping you in this inexplicable situation.

Feeling a shiver down your spine, you turned around to see Wally standing behind you, his face etched with irritation. Before you could react, your surroundings blurred, and in the blink of an eye, you found yourself back on the couch. It was as if you had teleported without any control over your movements.

"H-huh what?-"

Confusion mingled with fear as you tried to comprehend what had just happened. It was clear that something strange, something beyond your understanding, was unfolding before you.

Wally's footsteps hit where you now sat, as his small figure went towards you while humming a song, his humming somehow sounded sweet to hear but in this situation, there was nothing to feel nice about

"It seems like I can't rub out that little memory of yours anymore...such a shame"

He muttered, sounding upset and exasperate. His fingers slowly trail down the soft fabric skin then tilt up your chin before tracing down to your jawline. Your breath hitched softly and shivered slightly by his touch which made him smile.

"But that's okay. We can fix that"

"Wally, I had no idea what are you talking about and I started to think that if you're going insane-"

"For YOU"

You froze in the spot when he said that out loud, tone low and sounding rather harsh. This isn't Wally you knew off...or do you?

He gently and firmly grabbed your chin, causing your heart to stop a beat. Their eyes locked, speaking a language only known to him. Wally brushed his thumb against your lips as if tasting the promises of the future.

He leaned close to your ear and whispered a soft 'Everything will be fine if you just stop worrying

But just as the embrace was about to deepen, an unexpected knock shattered the fragile so-called moment. Wally let out a soft groan of annoyance, breaking the spell that enveloped you. He turned towards the door and called out to Home.

"Who is it, Home?" Wally asked with a hint of frustration.

Home replied with creaking and slamming sounds. "The neighborhood"

With a longing look at you, Wally reluctantly pulled his hand away from your chin and walked toward the front door. He opened it, and a chorus of voices greeted him, excited to see you

"Is y/n, here?! I miss them already!" Sally exclaimed

As the neighbors entered, you swiftly composed yourself and greeted them with a smile yet lazily, playing the role you needed to play. Wally could sense your glare, a silent anger. But you joined the neighbors, agreeing to spend time with them, leaving Wally behind.

You give the last glance towards him who seemingly already stares at you at the very beginning before quickly joining the neighbors.

It seems like your interaction with him won't be the same again...

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