Part 32

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Diana woke up and felt an arm around her naked waist. She groggily opened her eyes and yawned slightly.

Suddenly she shot up. "Oh Merlin." She said and she felt movement beside her. "Oh Merlin!" She repeated as she looked at the boy who was NOT Regulus.

"Mhm." He got up and looked at her and immediately closed his eyes. "Fuck." He said and Diana stumbled out of bed. "You hold those eyes closed." She stated.

"Not like I didn't see it yesterday." He mumbled. "This is not the time for jokes, Sirius!" She said as she quickly pulled out clean clothes and put them on.

She threw him his shirt. "Get dressed." She commanded as she walked into the bathroom.

She looked into the mirror to see her smudged makeup, messy hair and most importantly, marks all over her neck.

"I just lost my virginity, at fifiteen." She said and sighed in disbelief. "I hate myself." She stated.

"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I did at fourteen." Sirius stated from the other side of the door. "Not helping." She yelled at him.

"Wait there." She ordered and quickly pulled of her clothes again, took a shower and got ready for the day as a normal person.

"For fucks sake!" She groaned as she remembered she didn't have concealer as she left it in the next dorm over.

She walked out. "You can take a shower if you want." She told Sirius. "Sure, I'll be right back."
He said and after ten minutes he walked out. She was sitting on the ground, leaning against the back of her bed.

"My hair is a mess." He complained. "That's your worry?" She asked and he sighed.

"Looks I don't know what I have to say, cause this happens often, but not with my one of my friends, nor with my best friends sister. Oh, not to forget, my ex girlfriend- you are a lot you know that." He stated and she groaned.

"I actually can't believe this, I don't even remember much." She said and he shook his head. "Me neither." He confessed. "I didn't even know you drank." He said and she shook her head.

"I don't, someone handed me a cup with something and I drank it, I didn't know it was alcohol." She stated.

He was silent for a moment. "Just one cup?" He asked and she nodded. "Who gave it to you?" He asked, a furious look in his eyes.

"Uhm..." she threw her head back. "I don't remember." She stated. "I got the alcohol from the kitchens, and believe me, the things that where there, that's not enough to get you that wasted with one cup, someone spiked your drink." He stated and her heart sank.

"I'm such an idiot." She laid her head on her knees. "What did I expect, taking a cup from someone who probably is not a friend of mine." She grumbled.

She cracked her brains trying to remember who gave it to her.

"Come, I'll bring you to your dorm."

She remembered the sentence. "Someone tried to get me to my dorm when I was out of it, but I don't know who." She said. "Probably the guy- I suppose it was a guy- but he probably did it." Sirius said.

"I can't believe I just lost my Virginity to you of all people." She said and he looked offended. "That's quite rude," He stated. "But I do get where you're coming from." He said after thinking about it for a moment.

He suddenly gasped. "You called me Regulus!" He said and her head snapped toward him. "What?" She asked.

"You called me Regulus multiple times, you thought I was my brother." He realised. "Yeah, well, I was wasted, I wouldn't sleep with your brother when sober, so," she stated, trying to fight her blush.

"Now got to your dorm and tell the others some bullshit story." She said and he sighed and got up. "Fine." He said and then looked at her.

"Are you sure you're alright?" He asked and she nodded. "I'm fine, Siri." She mumbled. He just nodded and left the dorm. She sighed, and got up.

Before she headed out, she opened a window to get rid of the smell of sweat and sex. She already felt pity for the poor house-elves.

She quickly went to the next dorm and knocked on the door. But no one answered. "Alice?" She called.

"Marls?" But no one answered. "Shit." She mumbled and looked around the commonroom. Except for some second years by the fire and two sixth years studying, it was empty.

She got her hair out of the braid she and put it in and hoped it covered up most of the marks.

She avoided eye contact with people as she walked all the way to the dungeons. She was very lucky that Pandora had already told her the password.

Her head was practically exploding from her head ache and her muscles where sore. Not to be fine about the feeling she had down there.

She walked into the Slytherin common room where she got some weird looks from first years who knew she was a Gryffindor. "Don't mind her, she's here all the time." She heard a second year whisper to them.

She knocked on the door of Pandora and Dorcas' dorm. The door opened and Dorcas stood in the doorway.

Diana quickly walked in. "Something happened." She said and Dorcas closed the door as she walked after her. "Diana, calm down, you seem stressed." Pandora said.

"Yeah well- oh how do I say this." Diana breathed in deeply before lifting her hair.

"Oh." Is all Dorcas managed to say. "Oh, indeed!" Diana said stressed.

"Did you, like, did you actually..." Pandora stumbled over her words.

"You shagged someone?" Dorcas asked bluntly. "Yes! Yes I did and it's absolutely horrible because I'd don't mean to, but we where both drunk and it just happened!" She was close to tears and Dorcas quickly pulled her in for a hug.

"Hey, hey, it's alright." She shushed her. "Who was it then?" Pandora asked. "Sirius." Diana mumbled.

It was silent for a few moments. "Well, it could be worse, I mean, Sirius won't tell anyone." She shrugged. "Imagine if it was someone else you barely knew." She said and Diana suddenly realised how lucky she was.

"You're right. At least it was Sirius and not like- Smith or something." She said. "Now I'm saying it like this, it's not that bad, right?" She said and they shrugged.

"Not really." Dorcas chuckled. "I just need some concealer, that's what I came for." Diana said and Pandora got up. "I don't know if I have your shade." She mumbled looking trough her make up.

"Then we're mixing." Dorcas got some of her concealer and they mixed until it came close to Diana's skin tone.

With help of the girls, she successfully covered everything up.

"Come let's go to the boys." Dorcas suggested and the girls went to the boys dormitory.

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