Part 36

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Authors note:

This chapter will be in Regulus' POV and slowly fade to Diana's.

He watched as she sat down with the others and laughed at one of his brothers jokes. They sat next to each other at the busy table, shoulders hitting now and then.

It made his blood boil. He was jealous, though he would never admit it out loud. Her hanging out with his brother. His brother, who she had a relationship with, his brother, whom she had shared a bed with only a month ago.

It was stupid really, he knew she didn't have feelings for him, yet that feeling of jealousy always came when he saw the two of them together.

Only yesterday they had spent time together, reading and cuddling, she had made it clear to him that she had no feelings for Sirius, but what about the other way around.

Regulus saw the way he looked at her sometimes, he saw when he hugged her, or put his arm around her, or put his hands on her shoulders to lead her a certain way.

He saw it all, and it gave him the feeling that Sirius still liked the girl currently sitting next to him.

He suddenly made eye contact with Sirius who had apparently been looking as he watched Diana.

Regulus saw how he bumped Diana slightly and nodded his way. The girl smiled brightly when she saw Regulus and waved.

A smile grew on his face and he looked away again. Sirius might like Diana, but Diana didn't like Sirius, because she was in a relationship with Regulus.

He thought it might be a bit weird that she had been snogging his brother and then went to him, but he didn't complain.

He hadn't said it out loud yet, but he loved her so much and would do absolutely everything for her.

"Reg, are you alright?" He looked at Pandora next to him. "Oh, I'm fine Dora. No worries." He smiled and she nodded.

"We've got charms in a few, let's go before we're late." She stood up and he followed her. "So, what are we doing at Hogsmeade tomorrow?" He asked as he put an arm around her shoulders.

"Oh, Reg, I'm sorry but I'm going with Diana and her friends, she invited Cas and me." She apologised and he dramatically gasped. "The betrayal." He said and she giggled.

"I'm kidding, it's fine, now me, Barty and Ev can spent an hour in the Quidditch supply shop." Said Regulus with a grin. Dorcas and Pandora always dragged them out when they took to long.

"Honestly, Reggie, that store smells horrible and you have enough quidditch supplies. Go to a book store or something." She stated and he rolled his eyes before he thought of something.

Diana had complained about needing new dragon books... maybe visiting a bookstore wasn't that bad.

"I'll think about it." He said and suddenly seemed to think of something.

"Dora, can you tell Diana you meet me around 8pm?" He asked and she nodded. "Sure, where?" She looked at the boy.

"Just tell her to meet me, she'll know where to go."

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