Part 47

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^this shit made me cry^

Anyway, small fact/this canonly happened in my story:

Diana: thanks to the bitch who just hit Sirius with a bludger, we are going to hear about his so called pain for the entire fucking week.


Barty: what? He told me his love language is physical touch so I swung at him.
Dorcas: bitch- Evan is in the infirmary with a BROKEN NOSE.

Warning: this chapter isn't edited yet, I'll do it tomorrow.

December rolled around and the holidays soon started. Diana had woken up early to pack her bags so she would have time to have breakfast.

She awoke at the same time as Maggie and it was awkward as both of them packed in silence, both hoping the others would wake soon.

Diana quickly packed her stuff and then left the dorm, finding Peter and Marlene in the common room, the latter seeming to loose at a game of wizards chess.

"Ready to give up yet?" Peter asked and Marlene let out an annoyed grumble as he took another one of her pawns.

"Pawn to F4." Marlene said and the pawn screamed at her for the stupid move but listened anyway. "Using Mary's pieces I see?" Diana laughed as she recognised them.

"I don't have my own." She replied, seemingly in a mood. "Well, I'm going to get breakfast, tell me who won later, though I think I already know." She said making Peter chuckle and Marlene curse at her.

She entered the great hall and walked to the Slytherin table, hitting Avery on the head as she passed him to sit down next to Evan.

Avery glared slightly and she gave him an innocent smile. "Are we excited for Christmas?" Diana asked as she grabbed some grapes from a fruit basket and popped one in her mouth.

"No." Barty and Regulus said at the same time making Diana smile slightly. "Yeah it was a pretty stupid question," she admitted.

"Christmas will probably be fine, but don't get me started in nee years Eve, my parents- well mostly my dad, but they want me to go with them to this stupid party that the minister for magic is holding." Barty complained.

"Wait really?" Diana said, surprisingly excited. "My parents are also going with James and me!" She said and Barty's mood immediately changed.

"Yes! We are going to have the best New Year's Eve ever!" He said excitedly. "And I'm going to watch while you two can have fun, I have to go too." Evan groaned, banging his head against the table.

Obviously he couldn't hang out with two 'blood traitors' as his family would call the Potters and the Crouch's.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm there too." Pandora piped up. "Same here." Avery said.

They all looked at Regulus who sighed. "Yeah, me too." He said making them cheer, except for one person.

"Oh, Cas, I wish you could come!" Evan said noticing the girls expression. "Can't we just sneak her in or something?" Barty grinned and the girl chuckled.

"Although that would be fun, I have to stay at home, New Year's Eve is really a tradition in my family, so we're always with each other and the extended family." She explains.

"Well that sucks." Evan grumbled. "But you guys have fun sneaking off to hang out though." She smiled making the others exchange looks in excitement.

Diana sat with Alice, Lily, Marls and Mary for most of the train ride but snuck off when Lily said she supposed it would be about half an hour before they arrived at platform 9¾.

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