Puppy and Fox

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Felix had to run to class after we ate, so I made the trek back to my apartment on my own. I took my time, pausing a few times on the way to just watch the trees and the way that the clouds skittered across the sky. When I got back I stopped in my tracks.

Leaning up against the railing outside my front door was a puppy and a fox. I stood there frozen, not sure if I could believe that they were both standing there.

Finally, Puppy turned around. "Noona!" He waved and smiled down at me.

Fox turned around too. "Noona!"

They both raced down the stairs and crashed into me. I exhaled, realizing that I wasn't breathing, and that they were in fact real. I held onto their shirts pulling them both in closer. I could feel my bottom lip begin to tremble as I let out a sob. I could feel them both hang on even tighter.

"Seungmin, Jeongin, what are you doing here?" I knew I should let them go, but I couldn't yet. Not when there was a big possibility that when I let go, they would leave again.

"Noona, we have a bit of time, we won't leave for a bit."

I always felt like they could read my mind. They were always there for me and knew exactly how to make everything seem better. Even though I was older than both of them, they always seemed to be much wiser beyond their age.

I finally let them go a little bit, but kept a hand on each of their arms and looked at both of them. They had easily grown at least another inch since I had seen them nearly a year ago.

Jeongin reached up and wiped a tear off of my cheek. "Noona, don't cry."

I began laughing and felt several more tears fall down my cheeks. "I can't help it. I'm so happy to see both of you."

Seungmin pinched my arm, "Then maybe invite us into your place. We came all this way after all."

I nodded and motioned for the two of them to go before me. They led the way back up to the door and I opened it letting them walk in first. They took their shoes off and left them near the door and looked around as I shut the door behind me.

Jeongin sat right down on the futon, but Seungmin began looking around. "You don't have a lot in here, do you?"

I shook my head and settled down next to Jeongin on the futon linking my arm through his and leaning into him. "Not really needed at the moment."

"I guess." He came and sat on the other side of me.

"So, tell me what you have both been up to?" I looked back and forth between the two of them. "I wasn't thinking I would be seeing you anytime soon."

I saw them both exchange a look and it clicked in my head. "Oh my god, you didn't get permission did you?"

Seungmin looked away from my glare so I turned to look at Jeongin. "We couldn't just let you go without seeing you one last time." He put his arms around me.

"But you will both get in so much trouble. You could have just jeopardized the entire mission." I didn't bother trying to break out of Jeongin's hug. I knew it was pointless, but I also wasn't ready for them to leave, even if they weren't supposed to be here.

"So where does Lee Know think the two of you are?" I saw them both visibly stiffen. Jeongin let me go. Both of them remained silent, averting their eyes whenever I would look in their direction.

Finally, I asked again. "Seungmin, where does Lee Know think you are right now?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. We didn't say anything when we left."

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