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Silence continued as Chan worked on the pasta, even finding several cans of tomatoes to make a sauce. I offered to help several times, but each time he would give me a look that told me to stay exactly where I was. So Lee Know and I just sat in silence, watching as he put ingredients together to make a decent meal.

"Plates," Chan mumbled after 30 minutes of only cooking sounds.

Lee Know pointed. "Behind you. Only paper though. And silverware is in the drawer to your left."

Chan stirred the sauce, spun to grab plates, and then continued stirring. He opened the drawer with his free hand and began pulling out forks for us to use.

"Make sure the boys get some too." I said.

Chan nodded. "Don't worry. I made plenty enough for everyone."

He turned off burners and went to drain the pasta, bringing it back in a colander, to sit above the steam. Then he stirred the sauce again before finally declaring that it was ready.

Chan held out plates to Lee Know and I, and we both came around the island to fill them up. I motioned for Lee Know to go first and he winked, effectively turning his back towards us, to fill his plate up.

I jumped slightly when Chan's fingers pulled at my waist, making me take a step back into him. He sighed and his arms came around my waist holding me close to him.

"Hi," I whispered, relaxing into his touch.

"Hi," He whispered back. I could feel the smile in his voice.

"Am I good to go back to my seat, or do you want me to keep pretending to fill up my plate?"

I giggled and Chan let go of me. "You're good Lee Know."

"Good, I'm not sure I could see that again."

He walked around the island and sat down, beginning to shovel pasta in his mouth. Chan chuckled behind me and I smiled, my face warming at the teasing.

With a plate full, I joined Lee Know on the other side of the island. Chan was right, I noted. There was still plenty of food left as he filled his own plate.

I had just taken a bite when shuffling to my left caught my attention. I turned and saw Seungmin walking into the room. His eyes blinked multiple times as they adjusted in the bright kitchen.

"Noona..." He walked straight next to me and put his head on my shoulder.

I patted his head. "Good Morning, Puppy." I said quietly. He snaked an arm around me and settled a bit more into my shoulder.

"Hungry?" I felt him lift his head slightly, eyeing my plate.

"Pasta for breakfast?"

It was Chan's turn to chuckle. "Some of us haven't gone to bed just yet." I told him.

Seungmin nodded and picked his head all the way up. Chan handed him a plate as he came around the island.

I took another bite before asking, "Where's Fox?"

Seungmin shrugged. "He was still asleep when I got up."

I nodded, watching as he filled his plate completely. I smiled, happy that he was getting his fill. Then he brought his plate back over to sit on the other side of me. He scooted in a bit closer and began eating.

"I'll go wake him up when Lee Know and I go over my program in a bit."

He nodded, noodles hanging from his mouth, "Need help?"

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