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My face burned and I immediately looked away. This was worse than when Lee Know's Father had caught us. I had slipped into an old habit due to comfort and it was the worst possible mistake that I could have made.

"Sorry to interrupt sir."

Lee Know chuckled. "No apology needed for that. But I would very much like an apology for a different mistake that you made."

My head slowly turned to Lee Know. His eyes shone with anger as he stared at the doorway and his mouth sat in a hard line.

"Ummm, what mistake, boss?"

Seconds later, Lee Know had ripped the device from my back pocket. He held it up for the others to see, shaking it a bit for emphasis. My eyes widened and I gulped turning back to the wall. Before anyone could say anything.


I ducked onto the floor twisting to look towards the doorway. The Captain was doubled over in the doorway and my body went cold. His face was in obvious pain, but he grunted trying to stand up, clinging to the doorway as a crutch.

Movement caught my eye as Lee Know took a step closer to me. I flipped onto my butt and scooted backwards on the floor until my back hit the bookcase.

Lee Know squatted down to my level, intense eyes making me tremble. "Pull more shit like this, and I won't feel obligated to keep my promise."

I flinched as he threw the device to the ground and it shattered, pieces of plastic flying around. He straightened back up and holstered his gun back on his side.

He stepped around me. "Next time that happens. The bullet will go in your head." He pointed at the henchman. "Take her downstairs."

"Yes sir." The second man came in and grabbed me up off the floor as the other man set the Captain in a chair in the room. I tried to catch his eyes, but he never even looked in my direction.

He pushed me up out of the office and the door closed behind us. The man's hand clamped on my arm and I felt a gun barrel settle into my lower back.

"How dare you make me look like an idiot."

"Didn't take much, did it?" His hand tightened on my arm, "Oww."

He pushed the barrel uncomfortably further into my back. "Walk," he growled. "Since you know the way so well."

I began walking hoping that the grip would loosen a little but his grip on my arm still held tight, and the barrel still sat in the middle of my lower back.

The stairs to the basement were just around the corner and the door was already open. The smell of mildew immediately hit my nose as we hit the first step. My mind immediately panicked. This wasn't the first time I had been down here. And it wasn't the first time I had been dragged here either.

My heart beat faster and my breathing quickened. It felt like my throat was closing up all over again. "Stop," I barely choked out.

We had only made it halfway down, and I was already panicking. My eyes flicked back and forth trying to find something to stabilize myself. I stopped on the step frozen in fear.


"Keep moving."

"I can't." My voice was a helpless whisper.

"Tsk." He moved in front of me and dragged me the rest of the way down. My vision began to blur and my body started shaking.

I was thrown somewhere onto the cold concrete floor. I think my face made contact but I wasn't exactly sure. I couldn't see straight and I had started hyperventilating. I was spinning in a downward spiral. I blinked trying to clear my vision, but I couldn't see.

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