Myubi Park: Part 2

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Lee Know smiled at me, still holding the cup out to me. "Chamomile and mint."

"For the nerves," I said as I took the cup.

He nodded, "Precisely." Then he took a sip from his own cup. "How has my girl been these last couple days?" He angled towards me, letting an arm fall behind me. He smiled again over his cup.

"Oh, ya know. I've just been hanging around a police station for a while. No biggie." I took a sip of the tea.

"Hopefully the heathens haven't been too bad to you."

I shook my head, "They treated me like a human. I was able to use the bathroom when I needed to and I was fed." I shrugged, "Better than a lot of other people in the world."

He smirked, "And things went according to plan after our phone call?"

I nodded, "I told them about the organization. Filled them in on the bug, etc. Just like you wanted."

"Good." He took another sip and sat in silence for a bit before continuing. "Any additional complications that I should be aware of?" His eyes wandered off to the park itself.

I shook my head, "None that I can think of."

"Are you sure?"

I leaned further back into the bench, "If you already have an answer formed in your mind, why even ask the question?" I fidgeted waiting for him to turn to face me.

"More fun this way. Plus you know my tendency to tease."

I lowered my eyes to my hands and fidgeted with them in my lap. "One, maybe." I whispered.

He just nodded, already knowing the answer. We sat in silence for several more moments before my own curiosity got the better of me.

"Lee Know...?"

"Yes?" He said slyly, his head lolling in my direction.

"Are the pets ok?" I held my breath, my leg bouncing slightly to release the nervous energy.

"They are now." He sipped again.

"Now?" I choked out.

He nodded, "You know what happens when pets get in trouble or try to run off when they shouldn't." His eyes sparkled slightly as he grinned.

I looked out into the rest of the park trying to blink away the blurriness in my eyes.

Lee Know just chuckled. "You know, the Captain needs to control his anger better."

My head whipped back to face Lee Know, confused as to what he meant. "What?" My voice came out constrained, like I had not been the one who had asked.

"The second I sat down, I had him made. Honestly, watching him fume this whole time has been fun. I think he has a soft spot for you." I couldn't move. My eyes just stayed forward, willing them not to betray me this time.

However, Lee Know's eyes were looking past me. "You seem to have done even better than I thought you would."

My cheeks turned pink and I shifted in my seat. Lee Know's eyes dropped to me and he lightly pulled on my chin to look at him.

I bit the inside of my cheek as he leaned in closer, before I saw his eyes look back around me. "I wonder how far I can push him, until he just decides to invite himself to join the conversation."

Lee Know's face was just inches from mine, I could feel his breath on my neck. "You can just ask him to join us?" I whispered.

His eyes flashed back to me, "And ruin the fun? Why do that?"

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