Strike a Deal

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I bolted, adrenaline coursing through my veins fueling my legs forward. I didn't even look back. What I had seen in his eyes told me everything I needed to know. No questions, just do. And so I did. I ran around trees, and through several smaller open spaces until I saw the roof in the distance.

I pushed forward, keeping the roof in my line of sight. The trees and other plants began to thin out the closer I got and I threw myself at the door, willing it to open. It did and I slammed it closed behind me.

My shaking fingers fumbled with the deadbolt, but it eventually slid into place, holding the door in place. I took several deep breaths, leaning against it before taking a few steps back.

I breathed heavily trying to catch my breath after running. "I made it," I said out of breath, knowing that he would hear it. They all would. They knew I was safe, for now.

I looked around the room once my breathing had slowed back to more normal. It was small, with an even smaller rustic bathroom being the only other room in the building. There were a couple small tables pushed together and several chairs had been pushed back from the table as if someone had moved quickly from here. I wonder if they heard the noise and went running.

I practically fell into a chair when I realized it wasn't just a noise, but an explosion. Like a big one. Like the ones that they play up in tv shows or movies. Why would there be an explosion?

Then I remembered what the Captain had said, that we had a tail. Someone had been following us. That is why he steered me away from the parking lot. Leaving would have to wait a bit longer.

There was no way everything was connected, was there? The explosion and the tail were two separate things that just so happened to happen at around the same time. And here I was by myself, without anyone to keep track of me.

I could keep running. The thought briefly crossed my mind. I could just go and leave the country. I would be free to go and no one would find me. I dismissed it almost as quickly as it popped in my head. I wanted to be caught.

But after everything that had happened since being caught, I wasn't so sure I was ready for everything to end just yet. And when I meant, be caught, I didn't mean by these random people.


I fell out of the chair and yelped, as something hard threw itself against the door to the cabin.


I scootched on my butt back from the table up to the wall hoping to make myself small under the extra table so I couldn't be seen. My breathing sped up again.


Whatever it was, had moved to the window that was to my upper left. I held my hand over my mouth, trying not to breath so loud.


It was accompanied by a small cracking sound. "Help." I breathed out, hoping someone was nearby.


The window began breaking and I heard several shards fall and hit the table above my head.

The next hit on the window wasn't a thud or a crack, but a shattering sound as it finally gave way to the assailant. Glass went everywhere, falling onto the table and spilling out onto the floor. I closed my eyes and hid my face, feeling glass pieces hit my legs.

I heard a person huffing as they pulled themself up on the other side. A few other glass pieces fell and hit the table as they made their way through the window. My eyes widened in horror as the table sagged under the person's weight and I saw legs jump down from the table.

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