Sulfuric Acid

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Today Jimin was absent and Taehyung didn’t know the reason...He messaged Jimin but got no reply....He was feeling worried for Jimin and also feeling empty without Jimin...Jimin never did that...Then why didn’t he came today??? Taehyung was sitting alone in his desk...He looked beside him and saw Jimin's seat was empty..He remembered his and Jimin's some moment....An automatic smile came across his face...He became shy when he thought about Jimin....

He heard some sound from behind...He looked behind and saw Jungguk was arranging his bag...When did Jungguk come???Did he see him smiling???Taehyung thought....

For courtesy,Taehyung waved at Jungguk...Jungguk saw it and nodded...Taehyung remembered the handkerchief...He took out his from his pant pocket and gave to Jungguk...

"T-Thank you for it yesterday..." Taehyung said...

Jungguk looked at the handkerchief....The handkerchief was looking fresh and ironed....He took it and smiled to Taehyung...The smile was really beautiful as Taehyung thought....His mind was messing around him nowadays....He turned front and waited for teacher to come....Today Taehyung was not feeling that good....

The teacher came and began to teach the lesson...Jungguk and Taehyung were listening very attentively...But Jungguk was looking at Taehyung time to time...His eyes were going that side of his own....Jungguk saw Jimin didn’t come today...He also noticed Taehyung's gloomy face....He understood maybe Taehyung was sad because Jimin was not there....

The class soon was over..Now it's time for their chemistry class...They had a lab class today...They went to the lab with their study materials...The lab class was first for Jungguk...He saw the lab was really big...He was excited to do the experimenta here...

"Students don't touch any equipments here without asking...There are many dangerous acids here...So be careful...I will give you a task to do..But before that you have to make a group...It is a group work...
Only two people will be on the group...So make group according to whose with you are standing beside.....I will not hear any tantrums of yours...So be hurry..." Teacher said...

Jungguk saw he was standing beside of a boy who was also looking at him...

"I am Dohyun..." The boy said..

"I-I am J-Jungguk.." Jungguk replied...His eyes automatically went to Taehyung's side...He saw Taehyung was standing beside a boy....He heard his name maybe......

Jo Gyuru....

Taehyung was so worried and nervous...Because he was partner with Gyuru...The bully....He couldn’t tell his teacher to change his partner...He was hoping no bad would happen....Gyuru was looking at him like he was so annoyed...

"I hope you have made your group...So today you will do titration...All the needed equipments in front of you...But student use sulfuric acid carefully...It can burn yiur skin....So do it carefully and properly..."Teacher said...

All the students hummed....

Taehyung was looking at the equipments to use.. Jungguk also started his work with his partner....Gyuru was not doing anything...But he was planning something on his mind....Taehyung was taking the droper so he was not looking at Gyuru...He knew Gyuru would not help him at all....

He was going to take he dropper but he suddenly shouted loudly....He felt pain.....Very much pain...He was feeling something was peeling his skin....The tears were falling from his eyes with his shout....He hold his left hand with his right hand....He saw in his blurry vision that his skin was burnt.....

How did it happen????His mind was blank....He was in pain...Why did bad always happen with him???What's wrong with his luck???What's wrong with the time???Why couldn't he spend a day without any trouble?????Why????

Taehyung was crying badly...He never felt this much of pain...He never felt this much of pain when he fall down because of his torn shoe...He never felt this much of pain when he had to walk to school from home when he had no money...He never felt this much of pain when he didn't eat anything whole day because he had no grocery....He never felt this much ever.....Never ever....But why today????

Nobody came to help him as he thought...But soon his thought was cut by someone....

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To be continue~~

(The part was really painful...Being poor and introvert is not a bad thing...If you are a good person from heart you can overcome your poorness one day...Just trust on your faith...

Good days will come for sure....

So did you like this part???I felt reallt bad and sad while writing this part....

What do you want to do with Gyuru???Tell me in the comment...I am coming after an hour💜)

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