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Jungguk hold Taehyung's arm tightly when the lights went off out of sudden...He is not much fond of dark...So he hurriedly hold Taehyung because of fear...Taehyung hold his breath because the sudden hold of Jungguk was making him so nervous...

"I-It's okay....Don't be afraid..." Taehyung whispered to Jungguk just to make him calm....Taehyung switched on the mobile torch and looked at Jungguk who was tightening the hold more...

Jungguk looked at Taehyung and damn he felt his heart fluttered when he saw the look of Taehyung...Taehyung was looking so charming in phone's torch light..He knew that that time was not to feel butterfly on his stomach but he couldn’t stop his staring at Taehyung....

Taehyung felt shy when he noticed Jungguk was looking at him with so much attention by his doe eyes...He couldn’t out any words from his mouth...Why was he continuously feeling shy after confessing to Jungguk????

"Ggukah.." Taehyung called Jungguk whisperingly...

But Jungguk was lost in Taehyung's face...

"Ggukah.." Taehyung again called but Jungguk didn’t react at all...

Taehyung poked Jungguk's arm by his finger and that's when Jungguk came back to reality...


Taehyung chuckled when he looked Jungguk confused plus embarrassed face...

"Let me take the candle..." Taehyung said...Jungguk nodded cutely...He switched on his phone's torchlight...Taehyung went to kitchen to see if he had any candles or not..He was cursing his luck because Jungguk came for the first time in his house and the electricity had gone...It's a bad impression according to him even if it was not his fault....

Taehyung finally found two candles...He lightedup the candles and took them on his two hands...He came back to his bedroom where Jungguk was fidgeting his fingers...Taehyung put one candle in front of them where they were sitting....The room became golden because of the candle's light...Taehyung's and Jungguk's face were glowing like a gold because of the light....

"Sorry about that...Sometimes the electricity behaves like this...I am so sorry.." Taehyung was really feeling bad...

"I-It's okay....It's not your fault...And......I am l-liking the a-atmosphere..." Jungguk shyly said....Taehyung also became shy when he listened Jungguk...They both kept silent after this....Because they were having hard time with their own hearts...

"L-Let's cut the cake..." Taehyung offered...Jungguk nodded....

Taehyung noticed they were sitting little far away from each others...So he came close to Jungguk...Jungguk saw this and was smiling inside his heart...

"H-Hand.." Taehyung said...

"Huh!!" Jungguk answered...

Taehyung took his hand softly and hold it...They hold the knife and cut the cake....

LOVE IN THE NOVEMBER Season 2 [TAEKOOK]✔️Where stories live. Discover now