Grocery Shopping

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Today was saturday and that mean the school was off...Taehyung was laying on the bed from the morning...As usual,he cleans his house on his off day...But today he was not feeling to do any work...His hand was also fine...He had his breakfast which was pancake...Then he again flopped on his bed...He was feeling to go out and have some fresh air...But again he was feeling lazy...

You want to do something,you want to have something instant but you are feeling so lazy to do it on your own...People feels like this sometimes and it's natural....If you were having stressful days or you were taking medicine which had side effect,this laziness can happen...And with Taehyung it happened....Recently he had so many stressful days and also he had to take medicine for his hand...And as result he was feeling lazy...It's natural to happen...

Taehyung looked at his kitchen while laying on the bed...As the bedroom and kitchen were side by side he can easily see from here to there..He saw his ramen packets were finished..Also he had to buy some grocery...So he lazily got up from his bed and made his bed...Then went to washroom to change for going out....After ten minutes,he changed his dress...He took his wallet...He opened his bed-side table drawer where he put the money which were used for the grocery...He took some money and put them on his wallet...Then he went to his small fridge and opened it...He saw there was one strawberry milk...He couldn’t miss to buy his favourite drink....He went out and locked the door....

Taehyung started to walk because the grocery shop was near to his building...

After ten minutes he reached to the grocery shop...He got inside and took a basket...He began to roam around to see the things which he had to buy....He started to take one by one his necessary items....He took some ramen packets,one cereal packet,five milk packets,two choco cookies packets,some fruits,one rice packet,some fresh vegetables....He also took soap,tissue box and etc....It was like his monthly shopping...

At last he went to the drinks section...He took four strawberry milk...He saw there were also banana milk...He remembered the meeting with Seokjin when he told Taehyung that his little brother said "banana milk is the best drink in the world".. And that little brother was none other than Jungguk...Taehyung thought how Jungguk said that sentence because his personality and his childish cute talk were not going together...He wished he would see Jungguk by talking like this...

Taehyung didn’t realise he was chuckling while thinking....


Taehyung got back to his mind when he thought someone called his name...Not exactly his name but something like that...He looked here and there but saw none...He thought he was maybe wrong...Also he doubts anyone knew him here...Yes...Maybe he was wrong...He unknowingly took one banana milk from the box and headed to cash counter to pay...

The line was so long today....Taehyung was standing in the line with holding his basket...Suddenly someone tapped his shoulder from behind...Taehyung looked behind and saw a man was looking at him with a smile...Somehow Taehyung thought the man was looking like Jungguk....Taehyung mentally slapped his mind because nowadays he was thinking so illogical things....

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