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~~~Catherine's pov~~~

It worked. We got the tablet to Daisy.

But that's not even the best part.

Phil, Mack, May, and Tess somehow got Goonie into serious trouble. He was just found with Grill's handgun. My guess is that Yo-Yo had something to do with it.

Grill is going to report him to the Kree, and then they'll deal with him. Hopefully, by killing him.

Loki's words, not mine!

After that shift finished, he and I found each other, as always, and I told him about Goonie.

Let's just say he was a little too happy with the ending of my story.

To be honest, I was a little too happy.

Since we had a cover to maintain, we had to be in two separate rooms. I was stuck in the barracks by Grill's place, and he was on the other side of the Lighthouse.

I can't stand it, but it's what we have to do.

Right now, we're talking in the hallway right outside the Exchange. It's pretty busy, so no one noticed us. Any passers-by would just think we were making a standard trade. 

"How are things with Daisy? Has she tried to kill you yet?" I teased. When Yo-Yo and I saw Daisy yesterday, she informed me that she was with Loki, trying to find Jemma.

I laughed at the idea of the two of them teaming up.

"No, but I'm almost 100% sure she wants to." He shook his head. "Speaking of Agent Johnson, have you seen her?"

"Not since we handed off the tablet to her. I thought she was going with you to find Jemma."

"That was the plan, but Deke tried to stop us. I had to distract him while she got to the elevator."

"That's strange... She said nothing about where she was going or a meet-up spot?"

"No. She didn't have the time. Do you think Grill may have told someone?"

I instantly shook my head. "He needs the workers. And he's still using me as collateral. He won't say anything. He just lost Zev."

Zev is Goonie's real name. Not as fun, though...

"And I'm glad he's gone. But are you sure you're not overdoing it?"

"I'm sure." I lied. "And it hasn't been all that bad. No incidents at all."

I hate lying to him like this. I legitimately hate it.

"The work isn't too much?"

"Not at all. Look, I'm fine. Stop worrying." I gave him a fake smile.

"You'd tell me if something was wrong, right?" It was like his eyes were burning into my soul.

"Of course." It physically hurt to say that. 

I want to tell him. I want to tell him so badly. But we can't get distracted. Finding Jemma is the priority. 

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. Stay safe." He grabbed my hands discreetly.

"I will. The same goes for you." There was a commotion at the other end of the hallway, and everyone turned toward it. Taking advantage of the well-timed moment, I gave him a small kiss before walking back to my room.

On my way there, I passed Grill's workshop. I noticed him talking to Loki but didn't think much of it. Not until the next day.

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