Girl Talk

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~~~Catherine's pov~~~

It had been two weeks since the battle in Wakanda. Two weeks since half of the universe turned to dust. And it had been two weeks since Loki had tried to sacrifice his life to save me and our daughter.

His condition hadn't improved at all since I saw him on the quinjet. Bruce said he was in some kind of coma due to how much of his life force he transferred to me.

As for me, I spent every waking moment by his side. I wouldn't leave the infirmary for anything. And I mean anything.

There was a bathroom with a shower in the infirmary and an extra bed, which I had moved next to Loki's for when I needed to sleep.

If I wasn't sleeping or showering, I was sitting in a chair beside him, praying to God that he would wake up.

The team, or really, the few that were left, begged me to leave the room to eat or just to do something, but my answer to them remained no.

Because of this, Natasha had been visiting me whenever she could, and about halfway through the first week, Pepper joined her.

I was relieved to see her, but it felt wrong to be happy about anything while Loki was still in critical condition and no one knew if my dad was alive.

"Hey, honey," Pepper's voice broke me from my saddened thoughts as she sat in a chair beside mine.

"Hi, Mom." I smiled at her weakly, my hand still holding Loki's. "Any word on Dad yet?" I cleared my throat and blinked back the tears that had started to well up in my eyes.

"No..." She shook her head sadly, fighting back tears as well. "But we're still looking. We have to find him eventually." She added semi-optimistically. 

"I'm sure you remember this, but this isn't the first time something like this has happened." She pointed out with a slight smile. "Afghanistan? The beginnings of 'Iron Man'? It's the same thing. Except he's in space this time."

Her words made me chuckle as I reminisced on the moment he came back. I was only fourteen at the time, but that didn't stop me from being insanely worried about him.

In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have been worried in the slightest. I mean, the man came back with a cheeseburger in his mouth for goodness sake.

Life was so much simpler back then...

"How's Loki doing?" She asked me, needing to change the topic before it got too emotional. "Any progress?"

I shook my head with a sigh. "Not much. If anything, his health is declining more and we have no idea why."

"I'm so sorry you're going through this, Cat." She hugged me gently. "But Loki's a god. I'm sure he'll pull through."

"I guess..." I murmured, wiping away a tear that managed to fall. "Mom, could I have a few minutes alone, actually?" I asked quietly, feeling more sobs in the back of my throat.

"Of course." She nodded and kissed my forehead as she stood. "Just remember to eat something, okay?"

I nodded, my eyes shut tightly as I tried to keep the tears in.

It was only after I heard the door to the infirmary close that I let my sobs come to the surface.

I tried to chalk it up to pregnancy hormones, but deep down I knew this was something more. It was like grieving in a sense. Grieving because Bruce had already told me that the chances of him surviving are far below 30% and that I should prepare for the worst.

"Please, wake up!" I sobbed, holding his hand tighter with every cry. "Please! I-"

I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't take the fact that this might be how I lost the love of my life for good.

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