Quinjet Ride

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~~~Catherine's pov~~~

After the A.I. ethics debate in the conference room, we all boarded a quinjet and set a course for this place called Wakanda.

All I know about this place is that it's where my grandfather found the Vibranium used to make Steve's shield.

Which made me wonder why we were going there.

It was a long flight to get there, at least seven hours. I guess it's not that bad. I mean, if we weren't on a quinjet, it would take us thirteen hours.

During that seven-hour-long flight, I sat next to Natasha, who was practically overflowing with questions.

"So, I know you're excited to get some details-" I started, but she held up a hand and cut me off.

"Excited?" She raised a brow. "Girl, no. I'm ecstatic." Her face broke into a large grin. "Now, spill. How did he propose? When, where, and most importantly, did he do a good job with the ring?"

My God, she was like a teenager...

I smiled at her excitement and answered her many questions. "He proposed on my birthday, which was honestly the best present he could've ever given me. The proposal took place in our house because we're fugitives and it was really the only option. As for the ring, see for yourself." I lifted my left hand for her to see, showcasing my ring finger.

"Oh my..." Her eyes widened in awe as she stared at the wedding and engagement bands. "They're both so gorgeous! He picked them out by himself?" Her disbelief made me chuckle.

"Yeah." I nodded. "He did a really amazing job."


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"Which is your favorite? Engagement ring or your wedding ring? Because they're both stunning

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"Which is your favorite? Engagement ring or your wedding ring? Because they're both stunning."

I had to think for a second, but eventually removed the chosen ring and placed it in Nat's hand. "Wedding ring."

"Not surprised. Like I said, it's gorgeous." She said and then noticed something on the interior of the band. "What's that?" She asked, handing it back to me.

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