The Raven Witch

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~~~Catherine's pov~~~

So, after an ample amount of research, we've found that the Strucker kid is in Lisbon, Portugal. We're heading into the Strucker family penthouse now.

I had a small knife hidden in my sleeve and two guns with me if contact fighting didn't work out.

This is Hydra. I'm not about to use my magic in front of them. And from what May tells me, these are relatively new recruits. That means they will have no idea who I am.

"Ready?" She asked me as we stood outside the penthouse door, ready to break it down.

I nodded and used my magic to pry the door off its hinges. Fine. I won't use any magic starting now.

We stormed in to find the Strucker kid being tortured by what I count to be three Hydra soldiers.

The one closest to the kid turned to us. "You again." He glared at May, so I knew he wasn't talking about me.

One of the thugs ran at May, and she blocked him. I was about to help her, but then I saw the first guy stab the kid in the stomach and run.

I had a choice to make. Help the kid, or chase down the guy.

"Kid, you're going to be okay. I promise." I gave him a small smile. He may be Hydra, but I know the feeling of torture all too well, and almost no one deserves it.

I ran after the guy out into the hallway and out a back door that led to a patio with a swimming pool and three other soldiers. 

"All right. Here we go." I sighed.

I jumped the first guy, who wasn't expecting the attack, and snapped his neck.

Don't blame me. It's Hydra! They don't merit mercy or benevolence. 

The second guy ran at me with an axe, so I used a small gun to shoot him through the chest.

Again, this is Hydra.

But the last guy was a problem. He kicked my legs out from under me, and when I tried to get up, he twisted my arm back and threw me into the pool. He jumped in after me and pulled me under, holding onto my hair. I gasped for air as I resurfaced for only a millisecond before he held me under again. I struggled against his grip, panicking at the lack of oxygen. There was only one thing I could do to get out of this situation, but it would blow my cover. I soon realized I didn't have much of a choice as I started to see black spots in my vision.

I used my magic to fracture his legs, and his grip on my hair vanished. I took the opportunity and sprang up, gasping for air. Thankfully, the man was in shock, and I was able to knock him out with a simple blow to the head.

"Well, that was hell," I murmured, climbing out of the pool, now soaked.

I thought I was in the clear, but apparently not, as I heard a voice behind me. 

"What makes you think you can beat me, little girl?"

I seriously thought I knocked him out. 

Come on! Really? Just one break! That's all I ask.

But I already knew the answer to his question. And hey, if this goes as planned, he won't be alive to tell his other Hydra buddies I'm back.

"I know I can beat you. And I'm not a little girl." I shook my head condescendingly, using my magic to lift him out of the pool and into the air. "I'm the Raven Witch."

With that, I watched his face go from smug to horrified as I engulfed him with black mist and crushed his skull.

"Hail Hydra," I said mockingly.

Time to get back to May and Strucker.

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