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~~~Catherine's pov~~~

I was pulled from my unconscious state when I felt a familiar hand holding mine tightly.

Unlike the past few times that this had happened, there was no struggle or fight to wake myself up, I just simply opened my eyes.

The lighting was dim, so I could clearly make out that I was in the Avenger's Compound med bay without any added strain to my vision.

I turned my head to the side and smiled upon seeing the god I loved sitting beside my hospital bed.

Unlike when this happened in the Lighthouse, he was awake this time around and not completely drained magic-wise.

"Hey," I smiled weakly at him, still trying to get used to the new surroundings.

He turned his head towards me, smiling brightly. "Look who decided to rejoin the land of the living." He joked, the relief in his voice obvious as he cupped my cheek with his hand.

I chuckled and leaned into his touch, glad to be awake. "How long have I been out for?"

His face suddenly dropped and he sighed sadly. "Three years."


My mouth fell open with horror and disbelief. "What are you- No. It hasn't really been three years, has it?"

My panic vanished instantly when Loki started laughing. "No, just a day. It felt like three years, though."

And this is what I get for marrying the God of Mischief and Lies. He might as well be the God of Pranks!

"Don't do that!" I tried to punch him in the arm playfully, but accidentally used my bad shoulder without realizing it, and the reason for my being in the med bay finally caught up with me.

Loki stopped laughing as soon as he saw me wince and helped me lay back on my pillow. "Take it easy. Your father did the best he could to heal you with Dr. Cho's cradle, but I don't think it was programmed to heal wounds that come from the Goddess of Death's spears."

That's right... I had almost completely forgotten about Hela.

"While we're on the topic of your newly discovered sister, how did you get back so fast?" I raised a brow. "Right after I got hit with the spear, you got taken away by the BiFrost, but seconds later, you were back. In completely different clothing too. So, what happened?"

He hesitated for a moment, but then sighed and answered my questions. "Short version? Thor, being the absolute oaf that he is, called for the BiFrost to take us to Asgard. But Hela followed us and I ended up on an alien planet called Sakaar. Time was quite different there, so what felt like seconds to you was actually weeks for me."

My eyes widened in shock. "You were on an alien planet for weeks?! What happened to Thor? Is he okay?" I asked quickly.

"He's fine." He nodded. "Well, at least he was. I'm not entirely sure about now... Anyway, while I was stuck there trying to escape, now stay with me on this, my mother visited me in a dream."

I blinked a few times, not exactly processing what I was hearing.

"Your mother? How..." I trailed off, trying to figure out how his deceased mother somehow contacted him from the afterlife.

"I'm not sure. But she was there." He shrugged, a small smile on his face. "And she told me a few things about the future."

"Like what?"

He smirked at me, excitement filling his eyes. "Like how our daughter is going to be the Goddess of Chaos and Tricks."


The Before [Prequel- Part 1]Where stories live. Discover now