The Zephyr

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~~~Catherine's pov~~~

A lot has happened since I was sent to the surface—a lot. But I feel the most important thing is that I'm alive.

A few minutes after being sent up here, I was chased by the Roaches and ran into this guy. Well, he's actually a robot. His name is Enoch, and-

You know what, too much to explain in a few sentences. Cue the flashback!


I groaned as I trekked through a field of rock and debris, my stomach feeling as if it were being stabbed. The wind whipped around me, making it hard to keep going.

Roach screeches could be heard from somewhere close behind me. Too close.

My heart pounded in my chest as I quickly hid behind a large rock, my hands holding my baby bump as another wave of pain washed over me.

The screeching got closer and closer until it suddenly stopped.

I furrowed my brows and turned my head to see... A Kree? His skin was blue, so I assumed he was Kree. Although, he did kill the Roach that was following me. Which is very un-Kree-like.

What is going on?

"Hello!" He called over to me, and his skin returned to a normal appearance. "That is the third Vrellnexian I have eliminated in pursuit of you." His voice was strangely familiar and monotone.

"Who the hell are you?"

"My name is Enoch. Fitz sent me."

"Fitz?" I took a step over to the man, balancing myself against a rock as I walked. The wind was strong, and it was hard to stay up straight, especially with the intense pain in my lower abdomen. "How were you not eaten by those things?"

"They have no interest in me, as I have no tender insides for them to extract." He shrugged.

"A robot?"

He shook his head. "I am not a robot. I am a sentient Chronicom from the constellation you know as Cygnus. I am here to aid you, you who will save humanity-Catherine Stark, Loki Laufeyson, Melinda May, Jemma Simmons, Philip J. Coulson-"

Hold up. "Say that name again?"

He tilted his head as he repeated himself. "Philip J. Coulson?"

I let out an angry yell and stormed up to the man. "You're that guy from that diner who got us into this whole mess-" A sharp pain cut me off, making me double over and clutch my stomach.

"I am here to get you out of this whole mess." He defended himself. "It would appear I got here just in time. Have you determined the extent of your pain?"

I breathed out in relief as the painful sensation subsided. "Just some Braxton Hicks contractions. Nothing to worry about." At least, I hope they're nothing to worry about.

He tilted his robot head once again, confused by my statement. "By all accounts, you should not be standing."

"I'll manage," I said through clenched teeth as another wave of pain began. "Still, resting sounds like a good idea. Are there any shelters nearby? I thought people could survive up here."

~~~Flashback ended~~~

As it turns out, I was right, and soon we came upon a group of survivors that had taken refuge in, guess where? The Zephyr.

The Shield plane had ended up on the last remaining chunk of Earth, making it a perfect hiding place from the Roaches and Kree.

One of the people who welcomed us onto the Zephyr was Voss. From what I could gather, he was a good friend of Deke's before he was sent up to the surface as Roach food.

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