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~~~Bucky's pov~~~
~~~Leipzig-Halle Airport, Germany~~~

We just pulled into the parking deck of an airport in Germany.

It's been over two days since I got Catherine taken away, and that guy, who I later found out was Loki, went to find her.

I'm not sure how much I trust that guy. I know what he did in New York.

I stood by Steve's car while he and Sam talked to the people who had just joined us.

Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, and some guy named Scott. Not entirely sure why he's here.

Steve looked like he was about to say something when two people suddenly materialized on the parking deck beside us, just a few feet away.

"What the hell..." I faltered when I realized who they were.

Catherine and Loki.

She's okay.

"Hey, guys! Clint! I haven't seen you months! How have you been?" She asked, giving the archer a hug, who just stood there in shock. As did everyone else.

Did she not realize that she was gone for two plus days?

Loki was still in the same spot, however, and I could tell he was trying to hold back a laugh.

"Where were you?!" Steve finally asked, getting over the initial shock.

"You know, a random Hydra facility. No big deal. I'm here now." She brushed him off.

I was still speechless, with both shock and shame.

"Catherine, I am so sorry." I managed when she walked over to me.

"Don't be. You couldn't help that the doctor said those words. I shouldn't have given up my position so readily." She gave me a reassuring smile.

"It's good to have you back, Kit-Cat." I smiled back, masking my guilt.

~~~Catherine's pov~~~

"What's the plan? How are we getting to Siberia?" I asked, clapping my hands.

I may have looked fine, but trust me when I say I wasn't.

With Loki's help, I cast an illusion to cover up all the cuts; and bruises. My magic still isn't at 100%.

"We got a chopper lined up. It's-" Clint was cut off by a man speaking German over the PA system.

I looked to James for translation. He's fluent in almost any language in the world.

"They're evacuating the airport."

What? Why?

"Stark." Sam looked at Steve and then at me.


"Stark?" A man I'd never seen before asked.

I did I quick mind scan and found that his name was Scott Lang. Ant-Man. He has mixed emotions about being here. He wants to help Captain America, but he also wants to be home with... His daughter, Cassie. And his girlfriend and partner, Hope. Tonight was supposed to be movie night with them.

I immediately felt guilty, even if I wasn't the one who dragged him into this.

"Time to suit up." Steve told us, looking out at the empty airport.

With that, I used my magic to change my outfit to my combat suit.

(Vote on which one you like better for Catherine's suit!)

(Vote on which one you like better for Catherine's suit!)

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