A Renewal

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~~~Catherine's pov~~~

Daisy looked at me like I was crazy, but not Loki.

"She's right. I looked into their minds too. I hoped that what I saw was a trick, but this confirms it." He said, rubbing a hand over his face.

"You guys realize this is crazy talk? Twenty-five years into the freaking future! The Earth cracked apart?! You hear yourselves, correct?"

"Daisy, I know it's a lot to take in, but right now, we need to find the others."

"No, finding out that my best friend got married and is pregnant is a lot to take in. This is insane!" She threw her hands up in the air.


After getting Daisy to calm down, we decided to move the Kree's bodies to make their deaths look like an accident. From what I learned about this place, if someone finds us with two dead Kree bodies, the punishment will be much worse than mild electrocution.

"I just... I can't believe this." Daisy murmured.

"Well, neither can I. But we gotta make do." I helped her move Blue 1's body while Loki moved Blue 2's.

We heard the door open and dropped what we were doing to hide behind a few crates.

Please, God, don't let it be more Kree.

It wasn't a Kree. It was a guy.

He looked to be in his mid-twenties and was covered in dust and grim.

"He's alright. That's Deke." Daisy said to us once she saw him. "Hey, where are the others?"

We got out of our hiding spot to meet him.

"With my friend, Tess. She's helping them blend in. So, these are your friends?" He asked, walking up to us.

"Yeah, now-"

"You killed a Kree?!" He exclaimed when he saw Blue 1's body.

"It was us. Or them." I shrugged.

"Well, you made the wrong choice." His eyes widened when he saw Blue 2's body. "Two?! You killed two?! Yeah, well, that's only going to be a problem for the herd of people they're gonna kill in retaliation. We got to cover this up." He looked around the room for possible hiding places.

"What do you think we're doing?" Loki asked.

"We were tryna make it look like an accident," Daisy explained.

"Shut up! Just let me think!" I could already tell Deke wouldn't be a fun guy to deal with.

"What if we leave them upstairs with the other bodies? Use the elevator." Loki suggested.

"We can't exactly be seen in the lift with a pair of dead guards." Deke protested.

"Well, maybe we don't put them in the elevator." I backed him up.


We ended up putting the Kree on the roof of the elevator. Slight problem, though.

"You couldn't have told us there was a skylight?" Daisy asked as we looked up at the shadows of the bodies.

"What's a skylight?"

"Oh boy..." I shook my head. "It is what it is."

Once we got to the level with the roaches, we hauled the bodies off the elevator and dragged them down a hallway.

"We gotta come up with a new system. Cause I'm not doing this every time we take out a Kree." Daisy groaned as she helped Deke move the body.

"The system is, 'No more dead Kree'! We're two past maximum! Hopefully, the bodies are warm enough for the roaches to take them." Deke emphasized. "Here. That's the door."

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