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⚠️ Trigger Warning! ⚠️

Odin makes an appearance in this chapter, so prepare yourself mentally

~~~Catherine's pov~~~

That portal that Strange had sent us through placed us in an empty field with not a soul in sight.

Quickly, I explained the situation to Loki, detailing what Strange had told me about the Kree and how if we were going to prevent the apocalyptic future we had just come back from, we needed to fight. And win.

But when is anything ever that easy?

~~~Loki's pov~~~

Frustrated with the situation, I turned to look around the seemingly endless field of grass. "Well, that's just fantastic." I murmured, annoyed.

Catherine was supposed to be on bed rest. We shouldn't be here about to fight a Kree battalion!

Speaking of which, where's the alien threat that was so pressing that the rest of the Avengers couldn't deal with it later?

"Are we sure he sent us to the right place?" I asked, turning back to Catherine as I spoke, but was met with the sight of a Kree soldier holding a knife up against her neck.

My face fell as I not only registered the situation, but also who the soldier was.

"Hello, Odinson. It's been a long time." Ronan quipped, gripping the knife tighter.

I just keep running into old friends, now don't I?

I swallowed hard and tried to mask my fear as I looked him in the eye. "Not long enough. Last I heard, you'd died on Xandar years ago."

"Much like you, death had great difficulty in claiming me. Although, I doubt she will be so lucky." As he spoke, he pressed the knife harder against her neck.

She looked at me, terror in her eyes as a single drop of blood was drawn from her neck.

"Let her go, Ronan." I said firmly, staring the alien dead in the eyes, hoping to distract him from the illusion I had casted.

While my illusion-self talked for me, I was stalking over to Ronan and Catherine invisibly, hoping to get the jump on him.

"And why would I ever do that?" He raised a brow. "She's valuable. Your soulmate. The mother of your child." He smirked, satisfied with the revelation. "Yes, I'm afraid Maw's message did in fact make it to Lord Thanos."

I stopped in my tracks as I processed what he was saying, my blood running cold and my heart pounding.

Thanos knew about everything..... How long until he'd come to take it all away?

Catherine's breath quickened at his words as well, tears of fear welling up in her eyes. "Loki..."

"And I'm afraid that message will die with you." I smirked as my illusion-self disappeared and I stabbed Ronan in the back with one of my daggers, quickly pulling Catherine from his grasp.

"Did he hurt you?" Concern filled me as she tried to catch her breath.

She shook her head, pressing her hand to her chest, trying to calm herself down. "No, I'm fine. Who was that? And who is Thanos?"

I internally winced at the name of the Titan, the memories of 2012 still quite fresh in my mind.

At this point, I had no choice but to tell her. Her life could very possibly depend on it.

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