A Life Spent, A Life Earned

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~~~Jemma's pov~~~

Once Fitz had tricked Kasius into sending Catherine to the surface instead of killing her, we were all gathered into the main room for the auction.

Since Catherine was on the surface, she was no longer 'for sale,' and Ben had to take her place.

"Ten thousand for the telepath." One of the male guests called out, placing his bid.

As the loud auction continued, I noticed the little girl I had met before, Cat, standing with her mother behind a pillar, watching the scene.

Why were they here? Was Kasius going to sell them as well?

"My apologies to you all," Kasius spoke up loudly at the front of the room, pulling me from my thoughts. "But I cannot in good faith sell this Inhuman."

A murmur went through the crowd, and I saw terror wash over Linda's face.

What was going on?

Fitz and Daisy seemed to have the same question as they eyed Kasius warily.

"As to my reasoning," He walked to the other side of the room to face Ben. "This man was present when I asked the Destroyer [Daisy] if others had traveled through time with her. She insisted that my servant was the only one, which turned out to be untrue."

Ben's eyes widened in fear as he grasped the severity of the situation. "Look, I'm sorry." His voice was quiet but pleading.

My blood ran cold as I realized what was happening.

Ben lied to Kasius to protect the others. The penalty for that...

Daisy quickly stepped forward to his defense. "Kasius, it's not his fault!" Guards grabbed her by the arms and pulled her back to her spot against the wall.

"He lied." The psychopath continued. "Normally, that would not preclude him from being sold, only in this instance that lie was told to me. He will serve as a warning to all others who dare to even think about deceiving me." He signaled for one of the guards to get his gun out.

I can't watch this...

"Kasius, no!" A new voice entered the room. I turned and saw Linda running in, her face streaked with tears. "Please!"

What was she doing?! She'll get herself killed!

She moved to stand in front of Ben as if to shield him from the weapon. "You know what I lost. You can't possibly take another person away from me. Please!"

Kasius only rolled his eyes. "Remember your place, woman."

The bidders all throughout the room started mumbling at the interruption until one finally decided to speak up, also seemingly annoyed. "Kasius, who is this woman?"

"To put it simply, the most powerful being in the universe. Did you think I only had The Destroyer here? No, I've had Ms. Laufeyson for much longer."

At the revelation, the room erupted into chaos, and Daisy and Fitz stared at Linda in pure shock.

Not that I blame them. I was astonished when I found out who she was as well.

Another man spoke up above the rest. "Laufeyson? As in-"

"The infamous God of Mischief? Why, yes. His daughter, in fact. Quite powerful, though she still doesn't show her full potential." He tilted his head as if in thought.

At this point, Linda had muscled up enough courage to speak. "You had my parents killed. Why would I ever show you the extent of what I could do?" I could hear her choking back tears as she spoke.

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