Chapter 1

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"I think we need to work on your form a little" I swerved a punch instead landing a firm kick to the man's stomach.

His telegraphed movements made it clear that he was lacking some good training.

As he doubled over in pain, I didn't hesitate to take advantage of his vulnerability. I wrapped my leg around his neck and pulled him down to the ground with ease. His struggle only made it easier for me to control him.

"Perfect thank you for this" I grabbed the flash drive he so desperately tried to protect and tucked it away in my pocket, I dropped my signature post-it note on his chest and began walking away leaving a trail of unconscious groaning men and women behind me.

With a satisfied smirk on my face, I disappeared into the shadows, ready to deliver the flash drive to my client and collect my well-deserved payment.

As I walked away, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in my abilities. I had once again proven to myself that I was one of the best in the business.

The trail of unconscious and groaning men and women behind me was a testament to my skill and power. They had underestimated me, and now they were paying the price.

As I disappeared into the shadows, I couldn't help but think about how much I loved this job. The rush of adrenaline, the feeling of power, and the satisfaction of completing a difficult mission were all part of what made me love being a hired gun.

I wasn't sure if hired gun was the right term I liked to believe I was a vigilante of sorts but were you really a vigilante if money was in the mix.

There was always a price to pay for this kind of life. Loneliness, danger, and the constant threat of death were all things I had to live with every day but it was worth it, as long as I kept succeeding and as long as the money kept appearing.

Sure you could question my morals, values and beliefs but if you're ever found alone, lost and vulnerable in the world then I'm sure you do anything and everything to survive as well.

I delivered the drive with ease not a hiccup in sight but that's how it usually was. 

My clients knew they could count on me to get the job done, no matter what. I was efficient, and skilled, and never asked too many questions. I was the ideal choice.

"Next time make it a little harder," I said walking away from the satisfied man and his stressed assistant with a hefty lump of cash in my back pocket.

I made my way to the nearest bar keeping up my tradition of a drink for every successful mission, I should probably reconsider this tradition if I didn't want to become an alcoholic.

"Rum and coke please" I instructed taking a seat at the bar and ignoring the bartender's concerned look about my appearance.

"Hey sweetheart why don't you let me buy you that" a voice came from my right, I didn't even bother looking in that direction because I already knew that I would see a man, probably twice my age, with a smug look on his face.

"If your ass touches that seat you'll be walking out of here crippled," I said without missing a beat.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and the sound of his voice returned "Oh come on sweetheart don't be like that"

I took a deep breath before turning around and grabbing his hand "Keep your hands off me if you don't I'll snap it off at the wrist and make you eat it" I twisted his hand watching him squirm in pain before letting go with a little push.

"Fucking psycho bitch" he mumbled before backing away and out of eyesight, I turned back to face the bar and smiled as my drink was set down in front of me.

I downed my drink in one gulp, feeling the alcohol burn down my throat.

I leaned forwards resting my arms on the bar as I ordered another.

I sipped my drink slowly this time, enjoying the burn of the alcohol and the feeling of relaxation it brought me.

As I finished my second drink, I noticed a man watching me from across the room. He was handsome, with dark hair and piercing blue eyes. I could tell he was sizing me up, trying to figure out what kind of person I was.

I raised an eyebrow at him, silently challenging him to come closer. He seemed to take the bait, making his way over to me with a confident stride.

"Can I buy you a drink?" he asked, his voice smooth and seductive.

"Did you not see what happened to the last guy?" I asked raising an eyebrow as he laughed 

"I did, but I figured I'd take my chances something tells me you're worth the risk" he replied with a smirk.

"Well, you must be a risk-taker then," I replied, matching his smirk "but sure, you can buy me a drink just don't say I didn't warn you I tend to make men regret their decisions," I whispered.

As he ordered me a drink, we engaged in small talk, but I could tell there was something else on his mind. He was trying to get a read on me, just as I was trying to get a read on him.

"So, what brings you here tonight?" he finally asked, leaning closer to me.

"Just unwinding after a job," I replied, trying to keep my answer vague.

He raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "What kind of job?"

"One that I can't talk about," I said with a sly smile "Let's just say it involved some skilled manoeuvring and a few close calls"

He nodded slowly, his eyes glinting with admiration. "That sounds dangerous."

"It can be," I admitted, taking a sip of my drink. 

We continued to talk for a while and as the night wore on, we eventually found ourselves at his apartment, tangled up in the sheets.

As the morning light crept in through the window, I knew that it was time to go.

This was just another meaningless encounter in a long line of meaningless encounters

Back at the tower, the Avengers watched in frustration as the news read the oh-so-familiar scene, running through the event before finishing off with a close-up of the little heart drawing on the post-it note.


new story that's been in drafts for too long 🤯

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new story that's been in drafts for too long 🤯

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