Chapter 17

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A hand on my shoulder scared me and I swatted it away before hearing the familiar voice.

"What's wrong why are you so jumpy," Tony said and I shook him off "Nothing you just scared me" I lied.

We began walking out of the facility and he asked me about my day. We were interrupted by my phone ringing "Sorry" I said picking up the phone.

"hey are you free right now," Eddie's voice said and I shook my head and then realised he couldn't see me "No I'm with I'm not free right now," I said looking at Tony who was rolling his eyes.

"So that's a no on dinner tonight" he said and I sighed quietly "No not tonight sorry" I said wanting the conversation to end faster "alright bye" I said hanging up.

"That's what you get for giving him your number" Tony said shaking his head "Technically he just done it" I said defending myself as we reached his car.

I got into the passenger side putting on my seatbelt, already anticipating he was a reckless driver.

As expected the car picked up speed fast, I braved myself a little as Tony began talking "Now are you going to tell me why you're upset" 

I sighed realising he wasn't stupid and most likely figured out something happened.

He stopped the car and began the process of some horrible parking "How the hell are we already here?" I asked glancing outside to see my apartment building.

"Don't ignore me" he said as we began walking up to my apartment, "I'm not ignoring you" I said as I began unlocking my door and putting my bag down.

"I don't know if this will work out" I admitted sitting down on the couch as Tony sat across from me "What won't work out," he said worriedly 

"Shield," I said as I took out a take-out menu throwing it at Tony to pick out what he wanted "Why's that," he asked scanning the menu.

"Today in the locker room some of the trainees cornered me," I said and he put the menu down giving me his full attention "They were asking about the branding," I said sighing with a heavy heart. 

"I can't guarantee that it won't happen again and I'm sick of the questions," I said feeling tears prick at my eyes. 

In a matter of seconds, Tony moved from his position across from me to right next to me.

"You know I'm also so sick of crying every time I'm around you," I said turning to face Tony "I don't understand what it is with you but I was never like this" 

"You went through something unimaginable you can't be mad at yourself for letting it affect you," he said taking my hands in his.

He looked at me with a concerned expression. "It's okay, you don't have to understand it everyone has their way of dealing with things," he said reassuringly. I let out a small laugh, feeling slightly embarrassed for breaking down in front of him again.

"Yeah but not everyone is left with a permanent reminder on their bodies," I said pulling my hands back "It's really ugly as well" I lifted my shirt revealing the still very visible marking. 

Tony's eyes softened as he looked at the branding on my body "It's not ugly," he said firmly "It's a mark of strength and resilience you survived something that most people couldn't even imagine that's something to be proud of."

"That's the thing you don't think it's ugly because you know the story behind it how am I meant to go along with life expecting everyone to be as understanding, we know that's not the case," I said 

This was starting to feel like we were just going back and forth about the same thing.

Tony reached out and gently took my hands in his again, his touch offering comfort and support. "I understand that not everyone will be as understanding as I am," he said softly "but that doesn't mean you have to hide or be ashamed of what you've been through."

He looked deeply into my eyes, his expression filled with sincerity "You don't have to carry the weight of others' judgments on your shoulders," he said "You explain when you're ready you don't owe anyone anything"

"I guess it's bye-bye bikinis for a while" I laughed making light of the conversation now and he shook his head "Yeah because I bet you look terrible in them now" 

Tony's eyes locked with mine, a mischievous glimmer dancing in them "You know," he said, his voice filled with a teasing tone, "I've always found a little mystery to be quite alluring and cuts and scars add a certain allure, a touch of intrigue."

A playful smirk formed on my lips as I met his flirtatious gaze. "Oh, really?" I replied, feigning innocence "So, you're saying you find scars and battle stories attractive?"

Tony leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a low, intimate whisper "It's not just any scars or battle stories," he said huskily, his breath brushing against my cheek "It's the strength and resilience behind them, the way they reveal a person's true character and let me tell you, it's incredibly captivating."

A shiver ran down my spine as his words sent a delightful tingle through my body. Tony's flirtatious nature brought a new level of excitement to the conversation, making me feel desired and appreciated in a way I hadn't experienced before.

"But I must admit," he continued, his voice growing softer, "I can't help but wonder about the stories behind those other hidden marks maybe someday when you're ready, you'll let me uncover them."

The air between us crackled with a blend of playful banter and undeniable chemistry. It was a dance of attraction and connection, each word exchanged adding fuel to the fire of desire that burned between us.

I leaned in closer, the space between us growing smaller. "Who knows," I whispered, my voice filled with seductive confidence, "maybe one day you'll get to explore all my hidden secrets, Tony but only if you can handle the heat."

A slow, knowing smile spread across Tony's face, his eyes gleaming with a mix of desire and anticipation "Oh, trust me," he replied, his voice low and filled with anticipation, "I'm more than ready to take on any challenge you throw my way."

I leaned back against the couch pulling my body away from his.

"Now can we pick out some food I'm starving" he shot me a taunting look as we both turned our attention back to the takeout menu, picking out some food. 

For a brief moment, I forgot about the fear and uncertainty that had been plaguing me all day, grateful for the man sitting next to me who always had my back.


any challenge huh 🙈

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any challenge huh 🙈

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