Chapter 5

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I woke up to aching muscles, but what was new? 

I got out of bed stretching and trying to ease some of the pain before stepping into the shower. 

 After my shower, I got dressed and checked my equipment, I packed a couple of things on my belt trying not to make it too bulky but also wanting to have enough ammo. I put my suit on and headed out the door. 

I made my way to the small building, a branch of the many Shield buildings, my mission was to retrieve a set of documents labelled 'Project Cold Warrior' and after a lot of research, I found the location of where Shield stored its documents.

My initial reaction was "There's no way I'm getting tangled in a mess with this organisation" but once my client tripled the money he offered I hesitantly agreed. 

As I approached the building, I could see that there were guards stationed outside. This wasn't going to be an easy task, but I had been in worse situations before. I took a deep breath and tried to focus on the task at hand.

I surveyed the area, looking for any weak spots or vulnerabilities that I could exploit. It took a few minutes, but I eventually spotted a blind spot in the guard's patrol route. This was my chance.

I slipped past the guards, moving quietly and quickly. The building was surprisingly easy to navigate, everything was labelled and marked, they had too much trust in their security and I made my way to the location of the documents without any incidents.

As I approached the file cabinet, I heard footsteps approaching. I quickly hid behind a nearby shelf, holding my breath as a Shield agent entered the room. I wanted to avoid a fight if possible here.

I waited until he had left before continuing my mission. I found the file I was looking for and tucked it into my belt, I placed my Post-it note on the desk with a grin.

As I was turning to leave I heard the sound of another agent approaching.

I didn't have time to make a clean escape, so I had to improvise. I ducked behind a nearby desk and waited for the agent to pass.

Once he was out of sight, I made a run for it. I bolted towards the exit, adrenaline pumping through my veins but as I reached the door, I was met with a group of Shield agents, their weapons trained on me.

I knew I was in trouble, but I refused to go down without a fight. I pulled out my gun, ready to take on anyone who stood in my way.

The agents hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. I took advantage of their hesitation and fired a few shots, creating a distraction that allowed me to make a run for it.

I dashed out the door and ran until I could run out into the street, weaving through crowds of people and dodging vehicles as I went. I could hear the sound of the agents chasing me, their footsteps pounding on the pavement behind me.

I took a sharp turn down an alleyway, hoping to lose them in the maze of narrow streets but they were hot on my heels, and I could feel them getting closer with each passing second.

Just as I thought they had caught up to me, I saw a rope hanging from the side of a building. Without hesitation, I grabbed onto it and pulled myself up, scaling the wall with practised ease.

The agents were taken aback by my sudden disappearance, and I took advantage of their confusion to make my escape. I climbed higher and higher until I reached the roof of the building and was able to disappear into the crowd below.

I made my way back to my client's office, my heart pounding with the thrill of the chase. 

"This caused a lot of issues, Mr Zemo," I said once I approached the man, he was wearing a suit and had short brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He had a thin face with sharp, defined features, including high cheekbones and a pointed chin.

Nothing like how I had imagined him over the forum. 

I held the file in my hand and went to pass it on to him before hesitating and pulling it back "What's so special about this anyways" I paused "You tripled my pay"

He stared at me for a brief minute not expecting the questions "That does not concern you" he said his voice low and quiet. 

He was right but I wasn't going to tell him that "Well I'm the one holding the file do you want it or not" 

He sighed frustrated before speaking "Project cold warrior is another name for one of history's most destructive inventions" A smirk was plastered across his face.

I thought for a minute thinking of what Cold Warrior stood for and what had wreaked havoc in history and gasped once the realisation hit.

"This contains information on the winter soldier" I whispered and he nodded "didn't think you'd be smart enough to put it together" he laughed "Now hand it over"

"I'm so sorry" I started as I tucked the file back into my belt "but I couldn't live with myself if I knew I was the reason information as sensitive as this hit the streets" 

Zemo's expression changed from one of amusement to one of anger. "You fool," he hissed, "you have no idea what you're messing with."

I could see the rage in his eyes and I knew I had to get out of there fast. I turned to make my escape, but Zemo moved quicker than I anticipated. Before I knew it, he had tackled me to the ground, sending my gun flying out of my hand.

We struggled on the ground, both of us trying to gain the upper hand. Zemo was stronger than I expected, and he had me pinned down in seconds. He had one hand around my throat, squeezing tightly, while the other reached for his gun.

I knew I had to act fast if I wanted to get out of this alive. I managed to free one of my hands and swung a punch at Zemo's face. It connected with a sickening thud, and he recoiled, momentarily stunned.

I used the opportunity to flip him over and get to my feet. I scrambled for my gun, but Zemo was too quick. He had already recovered and had his gun pointed at my head.

"You should have just handed over the file," he sneered. 

I raised my hands in surrender, hoping to buy myself some time. "Look, I'm sorry I didn't know what I was getting into just let me go and I'll hand it over" 

Zemo considered my offer for a moment before lowering his gun and extending his hand. 

"Idiot" I mumbled before pulling the baton from my belt and pressing the button that would provide an electric shock to his body, Zemo convulsed with a loud grunt, dropping to the ground as the electric shock ran through his body. 

I took the opportunity to make my escape, file still with me.

"I need a drink"


damn 🫨

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damn 🫨

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