Chapter 10

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Just as I regained my full consciousness the door in the room was shot open. Through my blurry vision, I could barely make out three figures walk in.

Every person in the room glanced at the door some in surprise and some like they had been anticipating it.

Ward stood in the centre of the room in front of me, a smug smirk on his face as he looked at the Avengers.

"I have to say, I'm impressed that you were able to find us," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Steve stepped forward, his shield at the ready "We always find our targets," he said, his voice steady. Ward chuckled. "Well, let's see if you can handle me," he said, as he lunged forward, throwing a punch at Steve.

Steve blocked the punch with his shield and swung back with a punch of his own, but Ward dodged out of the way, grinning. Natasha stepped forward, her hands at the ready. She launched into a series of kicks and punches, but Ward was quick, dodging and blocking her attacks with ease.

Tony swooped in from the side, his repulsor blasts firing at Ward but Ward was ready, and he raised a shield of his own, deflecting the blasts.

The fight continued, the Avengers trying their best to take down Ward and the other men in the room, Ward was skilled but he was no match for the superheroes.

"So how did you guys find us," I asked once every man in the room was apprehended. I glanced at Ward laying there unconscious and then back at the three Avengers.

I felt a sense of relief wash over me but I couldn't ignore the hatred I also felt, after all this was partially their fault.

"Tracker" Natasha shrugged as she walked over unchaining me, she moved to my back pulling off the small device "We aren't stupid"

I could barely make out a weak chuckle, my stomach was stinging, my wrists and ankles felt raw from the chains and my upper body felt wet and cold. 

"Did you tell them anything?" Steve asked and I rolled my eyes "Do I look like I told them anything?" I shot back and he quietened down taking in my dishevelled state. 

My face was swollen and bruised, my hair a tangled mess, strands of it sticking out at odd angles and the rest wet and matted down. My suit was stained with dirt and blood, my breathing was heavy, and my chest heaving with exertion still not recovered from the water.

I took a shaky step attempting to stand up but had to be supported by Natasha "Don't touch me" I said through gritted teeth and she ignored me helping me stand up straight. 

"They branded you" Tony whispered coming closer to me and bending down to look at my stomach. 

I flinched as Tony's fingers grazed over the fresh cut on my skin, tracing the outline of the octopus symbol that had been slashed into my flesh. The pain was still fresh and raw, and I winced as he prodded it with his fingers.

"Those bastards actually branded you."

I looked away, feeling a sense of shame and disgust wash over me. I had let my guard down and paid the price for it. The Avengers had warned me and now I was left with a permanent reminder of my mistake.

Tony must have noticed my discomfort because he quickly backed off, standing up and putting some distance between us.

"I'm sorry," he said softly "I shouldn't have touched it."

I felt the tears prick at my eyes and didn't fight them, I knew one day my work would catch up to me I just didn't think it'd be this soon.

I shook my head "I'm okay," I said, trying to sound confident "It'll heal."

Tony looked at me sceptically but didn't push the issue. Instead, he turned his attention to Steve and Natasha, who were busy staring at the carving.

I sniffed, trying to keep my emotions in check "Yeah, it doesn't matter," I added, "I didn't say anything to them, you'll be glad to know."

Tony nodded, but I could tell he still felt guilty he stood back up and looked at me, making direct eye contact. His eyes were sympathetic, and I could see that he was trying to apologize with his facial expressions.

I blinked and turned away from his look, I'm on my own and I need to keep it that way. 

"We're getting that file and then I want nothing to do with you guys" I said my voice was firm but timid, I zipped up my suit covering the marking and shivered at the cold air. 

"You're wet" Natasha said softly looking at my drenched hair "That's what happens when you're waterboarded," I said shrugging her off and starting to walk out the door. 

I felt exhausted and drained as I stumbled out of the room, my legs felt like they were made of lead. My suit clung to my body, damp and uncomfortable.

Steve, Tony and Natasha exchanged glances "Why do I feel..." Tony started, but Steve cut him off, finishing his sentence with a single word, "Bad." 

Natasha added, "Because that's what happens when someone is tortured for something you wanted" following me out of the room easily catching up to my slow and fatigued self.

Tony nodded slowly, feeling a wave of remorse wash over him "She had no reason to not tell them where the file was," he said in a low voice "She owes us nothing yet endured this." 

Steve's expression softened, and he spoke softly, "I think we misjudged her" Tony looked up, meeting Steve's gaze. "Yeah, we did," he said, his voice heavy with regret. 

Steve began walking out leaving Tony behind.

Tony stood alone contemplating his feelings he knew that he had to make amends with me somehow. The guilt he felt was eating away at him, and he couldn't let it go until he had made things right.

He had to figure out why I did what I did, it was too confusing for him and his feelings were becoming too overwhelming.


little does she know how many issues the 🐙 will cause 

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little does she know how many issues the 🐙 will cause 

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