Chapter 16

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I looked up to see Tony taking a seat across from me and I choked on my sandwich, I drank some water to stop myself from coughing and potentially choking further .

"What are you doing?" I asked looking around to see a lot of people staring at us "Just checking in on the new trainee" I rolled my eyes "Who seems to be alone at the moment" he added looking around at the empty seats.

"Well, that's what happens when you join a week before," I said as I chewed on my sandwich. 

I took a sip of water when a body sat next to me, I looked to my right and spat the water out, it happened to drench the billionaire across from me, how convenient.

"hey," the oh-so-familiar man said as he laughed at my reaction and then Tony's drenched face.

His dark hair and piercing blue eyes caused some very vivid flashbacks "You're uh" I stopped realising I didn't remember his name.

I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment and he laughed dangling an arm from my shoulders "The guy you slept with and then ran out on" he finished and I nervously laughed.

"Right about that I'm sorry I was late and you weren't awake-" I rambled and he stopped me "Don't worry about it, I'm Eddie" he said putting out his hand which I hesitantly shook.

"Probably should have done that before everything else," he said and I shook his arm off laughing awkwardly.

I glanced at Tony who was staring at us intently and I cleared my throat, feeling a little uncomfortable under his gaze, I couldn't make out what he was thinking.

"Eddie this is Tony," I said motioning towards the now quiet man "Tony this is Eddie" I added and Eddie leaned over the table shaking Tony's hand "Pleasure Mr Stark," he said and Tony nodded smiling.

"So, Eddie, what brings you here?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"I work here, actually," he replied with a smile. "I'm a trainer for the more advanced classes what about you?"

"I'm just starting," I said, gesturing to myself "Maria's been showing me the ropes"

"Ah, Maria's great," Eddie said with a nod "She's tough, but she knows her stuff."

I nodded in agreement, feeling a little relieved that the conversation had moved away from our previous encounter. 

Tony continued watching as Eddie and I interacted, I threw Tony glances every now and then confused as to why he was just watching us talk.

I didn't even realise what I was doing until my phone was in Eddie's hands "My numbers in there and I've got yours I'll text you" he said before walking away.  

"You know that phone was for you to have my number," Tony said leaning forward jealousy lacing his voice, I groaned putting my head in my hands "That was so embarrassing" 

"Right because you slept with him, ran out on him and then forgot his name," Tony said "And now he works at the place you'll be training at" he finished.

"See it sounds worse when you lay it out like that," I said "right," he said unsurely. 

I checked the time on my phone and realised lunch was up "I've to go my lunch is over" I said standing up and Tony got up as well "Don't leave right away wait outside the locker room for me I'll drop you home" he said and I shook my head "you don't have to do that" 

"I don't but I want to, see you later," he said walking away before I had a chance to answer.

I went back to the training room and carried on with the second half of training.

I walked to the locker room once Maria called it a day. I found my locker and began taking off my gear.

"What the hell is that," a voice said before my body was forcibly turned around, I gasped as one of the other trainees held my arm.

"Don't touch me" I seethed attempting to put my shirt on "Nuh uh explain that?" she said grabbing my shirt from my hands and looking down at my stomach.

I looked down at my stomach seeing the oh-so-familiar octopus and name.

"It's nothing," I said, trying to pull my shirt back from her grasp.

"Sure, and I'm the queen of England," she scoffed, letting go of my shirt.

I quickly put my shirt on and grabbed my bag, trying to walk away from the trainee but she followed me, her voice growing louder.

"Don't think you can come in here with a marking like that and not have to explain yourself just because you're sleeping with the boss," she said, her words dripping with venom.

I stopped in my tracks, feeling my face flush with anger "I am not sleeping with the boss," I said firmly "and even if I were, it's none of your business."

The trainee sneered at me, but I didn't back down. I hadn't taken anyone's shit in life before and I wasn't going to let it happen today because of someone else's jealousy and rumours.

I turned to leave giving her a chance, but she grabbed my arm again, this time harder. I winced in pain.

"Let go of me," I said firmly trying to keep my voice steady "Or what?" she taunted.

"Or I'll make you regret it," I replied, my voice now stern and confident. I wasn't going to let her intimidate me. I knew I was stronger than her, and I had to show her that.

I pulled my arm free from her grip, causing her to stumble back a few steps. She looked surprised, but quickly regained her composure and charged at me.

I braced myself and quickly sidestepped, causing her to miss and stumble again. I took advantage of her momentary imbalance and pushed her away from me.

"Stop it," I said, my voice low and threatening. "I'm not going to fight you, but if you keep harassing me, I won't hesitate to defend myself."

She glared at me but didn't make any further attempts to attack. Instead, she turned around and walked away, muttering something under her breath.

I walked out of the locker room annoyed, I know after this I would be the talk of the class. 

"Why can't shit just work out for once"


eddie 🫠

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eddie 🫠

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