Chapter 6

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"She stole what" Steve yelled slyly glancing at a quiet and worried-looking Bucky. Bucky shifted his weight from one foot to the other, his eyes darting around the room nervously avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"she stole the winter soldier file from Shield" Tony repeated and Steve's face contorted into a look of anger. 

"How it's under a code name?" he asked "Yes because a code name like cold warrior is impossible to crack" Tony replied throwing his hands in the air dismissively.

"This woman needs to be stopped" Steve realised speaking quietly "Do we know why she wants it," he asked and Tony thought for a minute.

"I don't think she wants it for herself," he answered and Bucky finally spoke up "Why do you think that?" he asked "Because when Peter and I came across her she said something about people waiting on her"

"That proves nothing," Clint said and Tony got up flipping over the whiteboard in the room he had been working on. 

On it was a bunch of pictures from previous jobs I had done as well as words and a lot of arrows. It was an organised mess. 

"I've spent some time trying to make sense of this situation" he started and the team watched in awe "Some time, this looks like hours of work when's the last time you slept?" Bruce asked worriedly just now realising Tony's sullen expression.

His eyes looked bloodshot and the bags under his eyes were prominent it was a drastic change in the way the billionaire used to look.

Tony laughed before speaking "What can I say she's a fascinating woman" Steve shot him a look and he added "Who's done terrible things" quickly after.

Tony leaned back in his chair, a small smirk playing on his lips "You have to admit, Steve, there's something admirable about her the way she operates, her skills, her intelligence..." he trailed off, lost in thought.

Steve's expression remained stern "Tony, she's a criminal there's probably a lot more that she's done that we don't know about, stuff she doesn't want the world to know about."

"I know, I know," Tony said, waving his hand dismissively "but you have to admit, there's a certain charm to the way she goes about it she's like a modern-day Robin Hood, stealing from the rich and powerful and giving to... well, we don't know who she's giving to, but still it's a romantic notion."

"Romantic?" Steve scoffed "She's breaking the law, Tony and we're the ones who have to clean up after her."

Tony shrugged "I'm not saying I condone her actions I'm just saying I can appreciate the artistry of it."

"Actions like stealing highly sensitive information from a top-secret government agency might I add," Steve pointed out. 

"I know, I know," Tony said with a sigh "but still, you have to admit, something is intriguing about her something... magnetic."

Steve rolled his eyes in disbelief "I don't think 'magnetic' is the word I would use."

"Okay, maybe not magnetic," Tony conceded "But you have to admit, she's got style and a certain... je ne sais quoi."

"Je ne sais what" Sam laughed and Steve shook his head "I can't believe I'm having this conversation with you, Tony we're supposed to be catching her, not admiring her."

"I know, I know," Tony said, leaning forward in his chair. 

"Anyways back to what I was saying" he started "None of her missions correlate, they all have a bunch of different motives" The team listened intensely glad that at least someone was able to figure something out. 

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