Chapter 9

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"You four can wait here I'm going on foot the rest of the way," I said slipping out of the car "Remember" Steve started and I cut him off "Yeah yeah if I try anything blah blah" I mocked

As I stepped out of the car, I could feel the Avengers' eyes on my back. I turned around and gave them a small taunting wave before starting to walk down the road.

I could hear Steve's voice calling out behind me, reminding me once again of the consequences if I tried anything. I rolled my eyes, feeling a little annoyed.

I approached my front door, which was slightly ajar "the fuck" I pushed it the rest of the way and it looked like I had been robbed, there was stuff scattered everywhere, furniture tipped over and worst of all random people in my apartment.

My heart raced as I took in the scene before me. Who were these people and what were they doing in my home? I quickly assessed the situation, trying to figure out if they were armed or if I could take them down.

One of them, a tall man with a shaved head, noticed me and started to approach me. I took a step back, ready to defend myself if necessary "Who are you and what are you doing in my apartment?" I demanded.

The man just sneered at me "We're here for what you have," he said, his voice low and menacing. "Now hand over the file maybe we'll spare your life."

 I quickly replayed my options and made a decision. I lunged forward, catching the man off guard and landing a solid punch to his face. He stumbled back, giving me enough time to grab a nearby lamp and swing it at him, knocking him down.

I looked at the marking on his jacket, an octopus, so the Avengers were right and my life was now in danger, how fun.

I barely had time to process the information I just discovered when another man came hurdling at me.

He threw a punch right at my chest, I retaliated with a swift kick of my own which didn't work out too well instead of knocking him down he grabbed my leg pulling me onto the ground.

I felt around on my belt for anything to use and groaned when I realised that my weapons had been confiscated by the Avengers.

I tried to fight back with my fists, but the man was too strong. He pinned me down and started to choke me. My vision started to blur as I struggled to breathe. I knew I needed to do something or I would be done for.

I managed to grab a nearby vase and smash it over the man's head, causing him to loosen his grip on me. Gasping for air, I scrambled to my feet and tried to run for the door, but another man was waiting for me.

He grabbed me by the arm and threw me against the wall. I hit my head hard and my vision started going cloudy.

"grab her and we'll have him take care of her" 

I stopped fighting the urge to close my eyes and let my head go blank.

I woke up with my hands chained together and I was placed on a wooden chair "every fucking time" 

I looked around and saw the room had a couple of other people in it as well.

"Thank you for gracing us with your presence darling," a man said leaning down to look me in the eye "Who are you?" I asked not expecting an answer but it was worth a shot.

"That does not matter y/n," he said enunciating my name, my ears perked up to the sound and confusion spread across my face "How did you"

"We know everything about you darling" he said pausing "I'm Grant Ward and I believe you have something that belongs to Hydra" he continued and then placed a taunting hand on my cheek.

I tried to shake away his touch but being chained up prevented that "I don't know what you're talking about" I lied watching as his face contorted into anger, he grabbed my chin forcing me to make eye contact with him "Don't mess with me"

I kept my mouth shut, smirking once he let go of my face. "How about we figure out a way to wipe that smirk off," he said sitting down in the chair across from me, he motioned one of the other men in the room towards me with his head.

My eyes never left the man as he strolled over grinning, he pulled a switchblade from his belt and stalked over to me.

"Do what you please" Ward said leaning back in his chair "Make it so she won't forget" 

The man smiled at me revealing his gold tooth and a chill ran through my body. "I'll make sure you never forget" he whispered.

He unzipped the top half of my suit revealing my upper body "Yeah this looks like about enough surface area" he examined looking at my navel. He began the slow tormenting process of carving on my stomach, I held in my screams as he worked, gritting my teeth.

I tried my best to free myself from the chains and stop the unwanted pain but nothing worked, the other men in the room swiftly held me down.

Eventually, he stepped back and Ward leaned forward "Sign my name off would you" The man began carving again and I could feel myself getting nauseous from the pain.

"Have a look darling" he said and I shook my head "Have a look" he demanded walking over to me and grabbing my hair roughly, much worse than how Steve had. He pushed my head down and I looked at my stomach there was fresh blood and I could see the octopus symbol poorly carved out with Wards name next to it.

"If you live after this I hope you look at this and get constant reminders" Ward said sitting back down in his seat.

"You're a fucking psychopath" I spat as silent tears ran down my cheeks, everybody breaks...

Ward tutted and leaned back again "File," he said and I laughed dryly shaking my head I looked up at the ceiling to prevent the tears from spilling down "Forget about it" 

"You leave me no choice" he shrugged and the two other men in the room began the oh-so-painful process of beating me up, after about 20 minutes of the torture Ward held his hand up.

"Are you ready to talk?" he asked and I grinned "You couldn't waterboard that shit out of me" I spat as blood oozed from my mouth. 

"That's not a bad idea actually" he said and my smile slowly dropped, in just a simple motion water was being brought into the room. 

"You know you can't kill me because you need that file but nothing you do will make me talk" I said glancing as the men began setting the water and cloth up. "Everyone breaks one way or another," he said and with a swift push of his hand, my head was dunked underwater. 

I felt the air escaping from my lungs fast, the water was so cold against my skin, and my heart was racing. I tried to keep myself calm but I could feel the panic rising within me.

Every time I tried to take a deep breath, I could feel the water closing in on me, suffocating me.

My head was yanked back and I gasped trying to get my breath back "I'll talk" I sputtered coughing out water "I'll talk" I repeated letting my fear of drowning betray me.

"I knew you would darling, everyone breaks"


so that happened also the branding was deffo inspired by lucy's storyline in the rookie 💆🏽‍♀️

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so that happened also the branding was deffo inspired by lucy's storyline in the rookie 💆🏽‍♀️

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