Chapter 8

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"Give us the file back"

I woke up to a pounding in my head, I felt it with my hand and saw blood on my fingers "damn Captain didn't think you'd be so rough" I said watching as his face changed into an uncomfortable anger.

Towering over my sullen figure were Steve, Tony, Natasha and Bucky.

"I am so sick and tired of these games take off your mask" Natasha demanded I laughed, despite the pain in my head. "hold on let me get my driver's license" I spat, struggling to sit up properly.

"Do you understand how easy it will be to convict you after all those little notes you left" Tony spoke arms crossed and clearly frustrated "Well I wasn't planning on getting caught now was I"

"Take off the mask yourself save yourself some dignity and start speaking before I rip that mask off" Natasha said I could tell from the tone of her voice that she wasn't playing games.

I sighed, realizing that I wasn't going to be able to talk my way out of this one. I slowly reached up to my mask and pulled it off, revealing my face to the Avengers.

They all looked at me in surprise, and I could see the confusion on their faces.

Tony watched as I pulled off my mask slowly, his first thought was 'damn she's hot' and then his second thought was 'get your shit together'

 "Who are you?" Steve asked, his tone still cold, from my lack of an answer he grew frustrated strolling right over to me and kneeling down.

He grabbed my hair and yanked my head back, surprising me a little at the force.

"Steve" Tony warned and I glanced at the standing Avengers, they were all confused at the Captain's sudden and unexpected move. 

He didn't bother looking in their direction instead increasing the force of his grip on my hair, his face was inches away from mine, breath hot on my face, he spoke in a low voice drawing out every word this time "Where is the file"

My head was already sore with the impact of his shield and if he pulled any harder I had a feeling I would be scalped, the pain was becoming unbearable. 

He released my hair throwing my head back a little in frustration and stood up "I am not playing games the information on that file is delicate and so help you god if that knowledge is ever revealed"

I groaned,  trying to ignore the throbbing pain in my head "I have the file and it's in a safe place," I said, hoping that they would believe me this time. 

The Avengers exchanged looks, clearly unsure of whether to trust me or not "Why should we believe you?" Bucky asked, crossing his arms over his chest, his voice was sullen and I knew this was hitting close for him.

I took a deep breath, trying to come up with a convincing argument. "Look, I don't have any reason to lie, I didn't give the file to my client once I realised its contents "

There was a tense silence as they all considered my words. "Call me a criminal, a vigilante whatever but I'm not a liar and I'm certainly not an idiot who would let information like that hit the streets"

Finally, Natasha stepped forward, looking me in the eye. "If you're telling the truth, then we need that file back" 

"Ok I may be honest and may have morals or shit but I know that file is my only bargaining chip so I can't just hand it over" I said "You're right" Tony said and all heads shot in his direction.

"I need a sense of security, I need to know that once I give it back I can go free," I said and Steve immediately shook his head "There is no way that's happening"

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