Chapter 20

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I opened my eyes to find myself next to Eddie in a dimly lit room, I attempted to move but my limbs were bound together with rope.

My breathing quickened as my eyes darted around the room panic setting in. I could feel my heart racing as the memories began flooding back. The feeling of being trapped and helpless, the fear of not being able to escape, it was all too familiar.

I fought against my restraints but it was no use "Eddie," I croaked, my voice barely above a whisper "I can't do this, I can't be trapped again."

Eddie looked over at me, concern and confusion etched on his face, he was still disoriented "Hey, it's okay," he said soothingly, "We'll get out of this together"

His words weren't providing any form of reassurance and I tried my hardest to control my breathing, the anxiety and dread of the horrible memories was all I could think about.

I fought against my restraints, trying to free myself, but it was no use. I could feel myself slipping into a full-blown panic attack.

Just then, the door to the room burst open, and two men walked in, both dressed in black and carrying weapons.  They looked at us suspiciously, and one of them demanded, "Who are you with?" 

"We're with Shield," Eddie replied confidently as I continued trying to suppress my racing thoughts. 

"Yeah, and I think I can fly if I just flap my arms hard enough," the man said laughing and Eddie shot him a confused look "What?"

"Your partner here has a marking that says quite the opposite," he said and I got extremely uncomfortable once I realised where this was heading "What marking?" Eddie asked looking at me, I was calm now not by choice though.

"Oh you don't know," the man said grinning like it was an accomplishment "Show him"

The other man walked over to me setting down his gun and removed my tactical vest 

I felt exposed and vulnerable as the man lifted my shirt to my chest, revealing the branding on my abdomen. My heart sank as I remembered the painful memory of how I got it. The two men exchanged a look and then turned their attention back to us.

"Well, well, well," the man said, his tone now serious "Looks like we have a rogue agent on our hands."

"Is that the hydra symbol" he said as she stared at the branding I nodded as hot tears fell from my eyes "Yeah but it's not what it looks like" I said "There's a whole story behind it" I continued trying my hardest to convince Eddie.

"What does that say?" the man said walking down and bending over to touch the place where Ward's name was sloppily written "Is that a name?" he asked making eye contact with me and I slowly nodded.

"Hey how about we add ours to it," he said looking at his companion who grinned at the idea.

He pulled out a Swiss knife and touched the blade with his fingertips "We don't have to do this" I said calmly trying not to let my breathing quicken as the tears continued flowing. 

Just as the man was about to make the first cut, there was a sudden crashing sound as the door was kicked open. In burst Iron Man, his suit gleaming in the dim light. The two men immediately turned their attention towards him, their weapons trained on the superhero.

Iron Man assessed the situation quickly, taking in the bound and terrified hostages and the two armed men. Without hesitation, he activated his repulsors and fired a barrage of energy beams towards the two men. The energy blasts hit their targets, knocking the men off their feet and rendering them unconscious.

He then turned his attention to me and Eddie, rushing over to us and quickly freeing me from the restraints "Are you alright?" he asked, his voice filled with concern as he stepped out of his suit helping me to my feet.

I didn't answer him instead throwing my body at his to give him a tight hug.

I shook my head, tears streaming down my face "I don't know," I said, my voice trembling. "I just...I thought it was going to happen again."

"It's not going to happen again," he said firmly, taking my face in his hands. "I promise you, never, as long as I'm around and I don't plan on leaving."

I looked right into his eyes as he stared back at mine, he leaned in connecting our lips and this time I didn't pull away.

As Tony's lips met mine, a shock of electricity shot through me. It was a feeling I had never experienced before, something I couldn't describe in words. I felt myself melting into his embrace, and I couldn't help but wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

We kissed with a passion that was both overwhelming and exhilarating. It was as if the world around us had faded away, leaving just the two of us. Our breaths became shallow as we explored each other's mouths, and I could feel my heart racing.

As we pulled away, our eyes locked once again, and I saw the same intensity in his gaze that I felt in mine, the same intensity we had been feeling for weeks now. He brushed his fingers gently over my cheek, and I leaned into his touch.

"I've been wanting to do that for a long time," he said, his voice low and husky.

I smiled, feeling my cheeks flush with heat "Me too," I admitted softly.

Tony pulled me closer, and we shared another kiss, this one slower and more tender. I felt his hands move down my back, pulling me even closer as if he couldn't get enough.

For a while, we just stood there, lost in each other's embrace. I knew that there were still challenges ahead and that our relationship wouldn't be easy, but for now, I didn't care. All that mattered was that we were together, and that was enough.

"Are you really ready to explore my hidden secrets, and handle all the heat" I whispered "I told you I'm more than ready to take on any challenge you throw my way" he replied 

"I'm here for you always," Tony whispered, his hand resting on my waist "always and forever" he repeated his words sent a warm feeling through my body, and I couldn't help but lean into him, feeling his strong arms wrap around me. 

It was as if everything I had been searching for, everything I had been longing for, was right here in this moment and as I looked up into his eyes, I knew that I had found my redemption.

Tony Stark was my redemption.


last chapter, emosh as usual 🩷✨

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last chapter, emosh as usual 🩷✨

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