Chapter 3

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I waited for nightfall, it was easier to be hidden in the dark.

I put on my homemade suit, it was nothing fancy a plain black jumpsuit with some assorted pockets, it was the best I could do with limited resources. I made sure to put on my black mask, cameras were hard to avoid nowadays.

 I made sure to put on my black mask, cameras were hard to avoid nowadays

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I made my way to Stark Tower going over my plans in my head.

As I approached the towering structure, my heart was pounding in my chest. This was a big risk, but I knew it was the only way to get the high-tech equipment I needed to take on the more dangerous jobs.

I scaled the walls of the tower, using the equipment I had on me to stay hidden from any cameras or alarms to the best of my ability. Once I reached the top I looked down "This is really fucking high", I found a window to slip through, carefully picking the lock and praying that the top windows weren't alarm activated. 

As I entered the main laboratory area, I was in awe of the advanced technology and gadgets scattered throughout the room. This was exactly what I needed to take my skills to the next level.

I quickly got to work, carefully selecting and gathering the equipment I needed while making sure to not leave any traces of my presence, well other than the little sticky note I stuck in the centre of a table. I felt a rush of excitement and fear as I worked, knowing that at any moment I could be caught. I knew I couldn't stay in one place for too long, as my actions would eventually catch up to me.

"Are you supposed to be in here?" a voice said behind me and I dropped what I was holding, I turned around to face a young boy, he looked confused and almost intimidated. He scanned me head to toe and the panic set into his face.

"Mr Stark" he yelled and my eyes widened. I quickly slung the backpack over my back and began making my way back over to the open window. 

To my luck he swiftly blocked my path "Move kid" I said keeping my voice firm and stern, just as expected he didn't move "Do not make me hurt you" I said pulling out my gun and stepping back trying to keep some distance between us. 

As if it couldn't get any worse Tony Stark the man himself entered the laboratory, he took one look at the sight in front of him and immediately got into action "FRIDAY lock down the place" he instructed and I groaned. 

"Who are you and what do you want?" he demanded, his eyes scanning me up and down.

I could feel the sweat starting to form on my forehead as I tried to come up with a lie "I'm just a fan," I said "I wanted to see the lab for myself"

Tony didn't seem convinced which was rather obvious, would a fan have managed to bypass his security and be standing in a mask pointing a gun at his protégé, probably not. 

The gun was slapped away from my hands and I realised the kid had taken it upon himself to de-escalate the situation. Time to get to work.

I threw a punch at him which he dodged with ease almost as if he was expecting it and returned it with a punch himself making me tumble to the floor. I remained on the floor and swiped my leg under his causing him to land right next to me "Fun right"

I quickly got up from the ground, trying to shake off the blow from the kid's punch. Tony Stark charged towards me, and I knew I was in for a tough fight.

He came at me with a flurry of punches, which I managed to block with my arms. I tried to counter with a kick to his chest, but he easily dodged it and grabbed my leg, flipping me onto my back.

I managed to get back up, only to find myself in the middle of a rapid exchange of blows with Tony. His punches were strong and fast, but I managed to keep up with him, dodging and blocking as much as I could.

I took a step back to catch my breath, and Tony took advantage of the momentary pause to charge towards me again. I quickly sidestepped his attack and punched him in the side of the head, sending him reeling.

The kid got back up "Oh for fucks sake give it a rest" I groaned but instead, he charged right at me. I managed to dodge his punches and kicks with ease. Despite his youth, he was surprisingly skilled and quick on his feet.

I saw an opening and took it, delivering a swift punch to his gut, causing him to double over in pain. As he tried to catch his breath, I grabbed him by the collar and lifted him off the ground throwing him in Tony's direction.

"Id love to stay and chat but I've got some people expecting me"

I dashed towards the nearest window, kicking it open with all my strength. The glass shattered around me as I leapt through the opening, falling several stories before landing on the ground below. I hit the pavement hard, but adrenaline kept me going as I stumbled to my feet and ran as fast as I could.

I didn't stop running until I was several blocks away, my heart pounding in my chest as I tried to catch my breath. As I looked back at the towering structure of Stark Tower, I knew that I had just made a huge mistake but it was too late to turn back now.

"What the hell just happened," Tony said getting up with the help of Peter and staring out of the broken window "I think we just got beat up by a random girl Mr Stark," Peter said and Tony scoffed rolling his eyes.

He glanced at the post-it note on the table, the drawing of the heart scribbled across it "That wasn't any random girl Peter" he said, "we need to find her and stop the chaos she's been causing."

I was the key to the mystery that he had been trying to solve for a long time.


cause i'm no ordinary girl i'm from the deep blue underworld 😝

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cause i'm no ordinary girl i'm from the deep blue underworld 😝

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