Chapter 18

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It was currently day fifteen of training with Shield and ever since the first day it was smooth sailing, everyone sort of let me be and I preferred it that way in comparison to everyone in my business, it was fewer questions, fewer distractions, and more focus. 

I was currently standing in the background watching two other trainees engage in combat. 

"Hey y/n," a voice said next to me startling me a little, "hey Eddie" I said glancing at him and then back at the two trainees "How's it going?" he asked watching the trainees with me.

"All good how are you?" I asked "Good" he replied before pausing and turning towards me "I actually need you to come with me for something" he said and I tore my eyes away from the trainees nodding and following him out of the room.

We began walking down the long hallways for a while when I finally broke the silence "Sorry for not being able to go to dinner" I said and he shrugged "Don't worry about it the first couple months of training are hard" I nodded gratefully. 

"We can always do a raincheck until after you're less busy" he added.

"So where are we going exactly," I asked as we stepped into an elevator "To see director fury," he said and I stared at him eyes wide "Why" I quickly asked and he laughed putting a hand on my shoulder "Don't worry you aren't in trouble" 

It sure felt like I was, I know half of those trainees downstairs would probably never even get to meet the director but here I was already seeing him on day fifteen.

We walked down a long corridor and stopped in front of a door "Wait here for a moment," Eddie said before disappearing inside the room.

A few moments later, Eddie emerged from the room with a small smile playing on his lips. "Director Fury will see you now," he said, motioning for me to enter and then walking in behind me closing the door.

"Welcome, y/n," he said, gesturing for me to take a seat. I obliged sitting down as Eddie stood beside me with his arms crossed.

"I've heard you've been doing exceptionally in your training," he said and I smiled gratefully "Agent Eddie hear believes you're ready for a mission" he continued. 

"Sir with all due respect I don't need special treatment because I know...people" I said referring more to the other man I knew here rather than Eddie.

"I understand your hesitation trainee but you have exceptional previous skills," Fury said giving me a certain look and I knew he meant my past I smiled awkwardly, Eddie had no idea what he meant.

"Yes, sir," I replied, keeping my tone respectful.

"Eddie here has proposed a small mission for you to undertake with him," Fury continued, "Think of it as another form of training."

"Right I think it'll be beneficial for you to start getting more advanced experience as you have taken on the combat part of training outstandingly" Eddie said.

I nodded, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness at the prospect of going on my first legal mission "I'm willing to take on any mission you deem appropriate, sir," I said, trying to convey my eagerness to prove myself.

Fury leaned back in his chair and studied me for a moment before nodding "Very well Eddie will brief you on the specifics of the mission"

"I understand, sir," I said, "Good now, you're dismissed," Fury said, waving a hand to indicate that the meeting was over.

As Eddie and I walked out of the room, he turned to me with a grin "Congratulations, you just got your first real mission." 

"Thank you I really appreciate that you thought I'd be a fit" I said walking towards the elevator.

As we stepped into the elevator, the doors suddenly opened, revealing Tony. I gave him a small wave and smile and he just stared at me and Eddie.

"Y/n," he said, acknowledging me with a nod, before turning his attention to Eddie "Agent," he said, his tone slightly mocking as he walked away towards Fury's office. 

"Why were they in here," Tony said as he burst into Fury's office "They have a mission Stark" Fury said annoyance lacing his voice. 

"Let me guess Agent 'can't take a hint' suggested it"  he said tone dripping with sarcasm as he took a seat across from Fury.

"She's still a trainee" Tony said crossing his arms "A trainee who has some dangerous experience" Fury retorted and Tony sighed. 

"Well I think I should join this mission," Tony said and Fury laughed "Stark this is a very low profile mission it's a simple extraction they do not need Iron mans help," Fury said and Tony grumbled.

"I understand your concern, but she'll be with Agent Eddie," Fury said, trying to reassure Tony "He's an experienced agent, and he'll make sure she's safe."

"Yeah maybe a bit too safe" Tony said rolling his eyes at Fury's words "Stark you already know she can hold her own, hell she's even given you a run for your money before" Fury said. 

Tony still looked hesitant, but he eventually nodded "Okay, fine just keep me updated."

"We'll see," Fury said, nodding his head "Now, if there's nothing else, I actually have real work to do"

Tony stood up from his seat and made his way to the door "Nope, that's all I also have real work to do," he said before leaving the room.

"Running after a woman hopelessly is not work" Fury called out as the door shut "It's not running after and it's not hopeless" Tony mumbled as he began walking down the hallway. 

As Tony walked down the hallway, he couldn't help but think about what Fury had said maybe he was chasing after me hopelessly, but he couldn't help it. He cared about me deeply and couldn't help it. 

These last few days had been pure bliss for him and the team had certainly noticed the change in his attitude, he just had to figure out a way to let me feel like it was a sure thing, he knew about my past and hence knew about my hesitations.

He just hoped he could become the change I so desperately needed.


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