Chapter 19

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I sat with Eddie in an empty room tablet in hand as he explained the mission.

"So it's a simple extraction mission" Eddie began "We need to rescue a shield scientist Dr Leopold Fitz he got separated from his team and is held up in a facility in a remote area in Arizona we don't have much intel on the exact location or the enemy forces guarding him, but we know he's in trouble and needs to be rescued as soon as possible."

I nodded, taking notes on the tablet as Eddie spoke "What's our plan?" I asked, eager to figure out his approach.

"We'll be dropped off near the location by a Quinjet, and then we'll make our way to the facility on foot we'll need to assess the situation before we can plan the rescue operation once we have a plan, we'll execute it and get Dr Fitz out of there."

"Sounds straightforward enough," I said, though I knew that any mission could turn dangerous quickly, after all getting a file turned into torture and mental scarring for me.

"Don't let your guard down," Eddie cautioned, "We don't know what we're dealing with yet, so be ready for anything."

"I will," I replied, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness at the prospect of going on my first legal mission. 

"Don't worry too much though we would've had a whole team if it wasn't deemed as low stakes" he reassured and I nodded.

"That's good to know," I said, trying to calm my nerves "So, what's our timeline?"

"We leave in two hours," Eddie replied, looking at his watch "You should go get your gear ready and meet me in the hangar in an hour we'll go over the mission plan again before we take off."

"Got it," I said, standing up from my chair "I'll see you in an hour."

As I made my way to the armoury, my mind raced with all the possible scenarios that could happen during the mission. I tried to push those thoughts aside and focus on the task at hand, reminding myself that I had trained for this and that I had a capable partner in Eddie.

After gathering my equipment and weapons, I headed to the hangar to meet up with Eddie. He gave me a once-over to make sure I had everything I needed before we boarded the Quinjet and took off for Arizona.

I sat next to Eddie as he piloted the Quinjet making casual conversation. We landed faster than expected and grabbed our equipment before going on foot the rest of the way.

As we made our way through the dense forest towards the facility, Eddie briefed me on some additional details he had gathered during our flight.

"There's a high chance that the facility is heavily guarded, so we'll need to be careful," he said, his voice low.

"Any idea on what kind of forces we'll be dealing with?" I asked, keeping my eyes peeled for any signs of danger.

Eddie shook his head "We don't have much intel on that, but it's safe to assume that they're well-armed and well-trained."

We continued, moving stealthily through the trees, and after a few hours of walking, we finally reached the facility. We took cover behind some rocks and surveyed the area with binoculars.

"There's a small team of guards at the entrance," Eddie whispered, handing me the binoculars "I can take them out quietly, but we'll need to move fast before reinforcements arrive."

I nodded, feeling a rush of adrenaline as we prepared to make our move. Eddie took out the guards swiftly and silently, and we made our way into the facility undetected.

The inside of the facility was dimly lit, and we had to navigate through the maze of corridors to find Dr Fitz. It wasn't long before we found him, locked up in a cell.

"Eddie, look at this," I said, pointing to the electronic lock on the cell door he groaned before beginning the tedious task of trying to bypass the security. 

As Eddie worked on the lock, I kept watch, my senses on high alert for any signs of danger. Suddenly, we heard footsteps coming from down the hallway, and we quickly took cover behind some nearby crates.

Peeking over the top of the crates, I saw a group of heavily armed guards approaching, and my heart raced as I realized that we were outnumbered.

"Eddie, we have company," I whispered urgently, gesturing towards the approaching guards.

Eddie cursed under his breath and worked faster on the lock, but it seemed like it was taking forever. "Calm down doctor," I said trying to reassure the extremely pale and sweaty man.

I turned back around to see the group of guards right in front of us "Hands in the air and no one gets hurt" one of them said I glanced at my weapon holstered to my leg. 

As the guard tried to grab Eddie, he quickly sidestepped and kicked the guard's legs, causing him to lose balance and fall to the ground. I saw my chance and lunged forward, using my training to land a punch on the guard's jaw, knocking him out.

The commotion had already alerted other guards, who rushed towards us, weapons were drawn. We quickly took cover behind the crates and exchanged gunfire with the guards.

Eddie and I worked together, covering each other as we fought our way through the guards. We managed to take down a few of them, but more kept coming, and we were quickly outnumbered.

As I fired my weapon, I heard a loud click and realized that I had run out of ammunition. I quickly ducked behind cover and tried to reload my weapon, but it was too late. A guard had snuck up behind me and grabbed me by the neck, lifting me off the ground.

I struggled to break free, kicking and punching the guard, but he held on tight. I could feel my vision starting to fade as I struggled to breathe.

"Eddie!" I gasped, hoping he could help me.

But before Eddie could do anything, he was hit from behind and fell to the ground, unconscious. The last thing I saw before everything went black was the guard's smirking face.

Here we go again.


she acc can't catch a break 🧘🏼‍♀️

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she acc can't catch a break 🧘🏼‍♀️

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