Chapter 4

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"We have to catch her," Tony said sitting back in his chair, he had called an emergency Avengers meeting after the events that had just occurred. 

"Tony we have more pressing matters to deal with" Steve replied not seeing the severity of the situation yet "She just broke into Stark Tower, bypassing security and managed to leave here with some powerful equipment and minor injuries" Tony exclaimed, clearly frustrated "Who knows what else she's capable of?"

"Perhaps we should find out who she is first before we jump to conclusions," Natasha interjected, her eyes flickering with intelligence "It's possible she could become a bigger issue."

"I don't think we should take any chances," Sam said agreeing with Tony and Natasha "We must find her and bring her to justice."

Clint piped up, his voice sceptical "What if she has a good reason for attacking us?"

"Good reason or not, she still assaulted us," Tony argued, his voice raising in volume. "We need to bring her in, figure out what's going on and find out why she's running around town leaving a trail of bodies behind." 

He picked up the post-it note examining it again, looking for something he may have missed, a word, a mark or anything significant that could prove my motives.

Bruce, who had been quiet up until this point, spoke up with a sigh. "I think we should investigate this, but not necessarily apprehend her immediately we need to gather more information about her and the situation before we make any decisions."

Peter, who was still recovering from the fight, looked up at the group. "I don't know about you guys, but I don't think we stand a chance against her she took us down without breaking a sweat."

There was a tense silence as everyone considered Peter's words. 

"It wasn't that easy" Tony said slightly embarrassed "Mr Stark her punch to your head had you down long enough for her to escape" Peter replied unknowingly embarrassing the billionaire. 

"Is that right" Sam spoke up a smirk clearly plastered on his face and Tony glared at him unimpressed.

"Peter may be right," Wanda said softly "We should be cautious and not underestimate her."

Natasha nodded in agreement. "I suggest we try to gather as much information as we can about her we'll reconvene and share what we find." 

"What do we already know?" Steve asked and Tony hesitated thinking for a second before speaking "She uh leaves a post-it note with a heart drawing at every incident"

"So all we have is a piece of paper," Steve said shaking his head "She wears a mask and her name has never been revealed" Tony spoke "If it helps she's about average height and average build and the way she moved was more than impressive," he said teasingly knowing that the information was no help.

"Are you seriously saying a woman who beat you up and stole from you turned you on by her skills" Sam groaned Tony rolled his eyes "Come on, Sam you know me better than that I'm just saying that she's skilled, that's all"

"She was pretty impressive" Peter added 

"Yeah, Tony I know you which is why I stand by what I said" Sam shot back ignoring Peter's comment.

"Boys" Natasha spoke up warningly and both men silenced at her voice.

"Does anyone have any leads on her abilities or power set?" Bruce asked, looking around the room completely ignoring the exchange between Sam and Tony.

"I'm afraid not," Clint replied, shaking his head "She seems to be a skilled fighter, but beyond that, we don't know much."

"We need to find out more," Pietro said firmly. "We can't just sit back and let her get away with this she's already taken down two of our own, and who knows who else she'll target next."

"I agree," Peter spoke up. "We cannot allow her to continue her actions without consequences."

"But what do we do if we do catch her?" Steve asked, crossing his arms "We can't just throw her in jail without due process."

"We bring her in and question her," Natasha suggested, "find out her motives, who she's working for if anyone then we can decide what to do next."

"We can't convict her based on the post-it notes we'll need more substantial evidence"

"I still think we have bigger problems to deal with," Steve said, standing up from his seat "but if everyone else thinks this is a priority, then I'll help in any way I can."

The debate continued for several more minutes, with some Avengers agreeing that I needed to be caught, and others arguing that there were more pressing issues at hand but in the end, they all agreed to work together to gather as much information as they could about the mysterious woman in the mask.

I sat in my apartment with an ice pack on my stomach. Tony and that boy put up a good fight and I was surprised I managed to get out, not that I doubted my abilities but I was up against some worthy opponents. 

I stared at the various devices and gadgets laid out on my coffee table some I figured out and others still a mystery needing to be figured out. 

As I sat there, I couldn't help but wonder what the Avengers would do next. I knew they wouldn't give up on trying to catch me. They were persistent, and I had to admit, they were good at what they did.

But I wasn't going to make it easy for them. I had to keep moving and stay ahead of them. I had a mission, and I wasn't going to let anyone stop me. 

I read the messages on my laptop, I had a new mission and it involved Shield, just the organisation I needed to butt heads with right now.

I put down my cup of hot tea reading through the last few messages on the forum.

"Your work will be completed by tomorrow Mr Zemo" I typed before turning my laptop off and getting ready for bed.

After all, I had a long day ahead of me tomorrow. 


mr zemo 🤔

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mr zemo 🤔

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